Three New Fares Applications Granted: More Pending
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FOUR passenger-transport undertakings, three municipal and one company-owned, have made repeat applications for revised fares. Of these, Devon General Omnibus Co., Ltd., jointly with Exeter Corporation • and Plymouth Corporation, were applying for the third time, whilst in...the other= case, the applicant, Nottingham Corporation, was coming before the Licensing Authority for the seventh time since the war. •
Except for those of Plymouth Corporation, all the applicants* proposals were approved, and a decision on Plymouth'S case is awaited. Colchester corporation has also recently been granted new fare scales.
New proposals affecting coach service's to and from London have been prepared.
The East Midland Licensing Authority last week granted Nottingham Corporation perrinission to institute a 2d. minimum adult single fare,. to abolish the 241. and 31d.• fare stages
and 'to add id. to all fares of 41d. 'and os:er. Revised workmen's and children's rates' were alsci autherized, affecting both motorbusarid trolleybus routes.
• , £21,000 Los's Expected
w,ith the. new rates, the under'taking expects a deficit of £21,000 at the end, of. March; -1954, although the iricreases granted were estimated to augment .revenue.•by. £135,000 a year. Operating costs were now 138 per cent. ab,ove the pre-war level, while the fares, .dveri, after this increase, would be 59
per cent. up. _ •
• New fares aimed at increasing, :revenue by £46,000 a year were granted to Devon Get:deal last week by the 'Western Licensing Authority.: Similar 'increases EiMilY also to routes jointly -worked with pie* Corporation, which will.benefit -by-£16,000 a year.
•••• The abolition' of workmen's day
• return tickets and their replacement by 'a. standard six-day ticket costing eight :times . the, single fare has been .authorized far. Devon General, which is
-to increase elieap day return fares by from Id.. to .3d. Some 60 per cent, of the.iingle fares in the city area will go up by id. • Plymouth" Afraid ? Plymouth" Afraid ?
• When Plymouth Corporation applied to'the.WesternLicensing Authority for permission to introduce revised fares which , would augment revenue by ,£.1j9,500 a year, the city treasurer_ was .aslied by Sir Arnold Musto, the Licensing Authority,why an applica
tion was not made for still greater increases to replace exhausted reserves. ''! Are' You afraid?" he asked.
. The treasurer .replied that the Corporation was anxious to make the fare 'inereases as light as possible.. "Even 'if' it Means living from hand to mouth?"
• asked 'the Licensing Authority.
The corporation prOposed to abolish the lid. and 2/d. fares, and to reduce the availability of the 2d. fare, which would become the minimum single Tate. Modlfications of stage lengths were proposed for the entire area of operation, including that part worked jointly with Western National Omnibus Co., Ltd. It was staled at the hearing that a loss of £57.237 was expected this• year on current fares, but a small profit would
be possible in the following year on the new rates, if costs remained stable.
Colchester COrporaticin's new fares come into operation on Sunday next, January 11. Certain ordinary fares will cost id. more, and some cross-town tickets Id. more. Return fares go up by Id. to a minimum of.4d. The undertaking, on existing charges, would have a deficit of £13,650 in the next financial year, making an accumulated deficit of £30,000.
New proposals have been put forward by the Central Fares Committee to the Metropolitan Licensing Authority affecting express services radiating from and terminating in London. The 'committee recommends that in some cases a fare 6d. higher than the standard scheduled rate should be charged from points 10 miles outside the centre of London to destinations on the farther side of the central area.
Midland General Omnibus Co., Ltd., Langley Mill, Nottingham, has proposed the addition of ld, to all ordinary and workmen's return fares.
Birmingham Corpora ion, face' d with an accumulated deficit of £967,648 in March, 1954, with no reserve funds to meet it, is expected to consider a new application for fare revisions. Since charges were last increased, costs have gone up by £144,310 a year, and a deficit of £317,340 is expected in the year ending Mardi 31 next.