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N analysis of the growth of municipal bus fleets in Britain shows that the average yearly increment has decreased from 8.5 per...
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W HEN his has usually little cause for rejoicing, so fleet is in port-the road operator that anybody, anywhere, who facilitates...
The Mother of Invention iN the days of the great Henry Ford a widespread 'belief existed that a high-powered section of his...
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That most " slipped discs" on buses are pennies. That the modern human must be becoming spineless. That the bumps of modern...
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T HE, Transport [Appeal] Tiibunal has decided that it has no jurisdiction to entertain an appeal by the Road Haulage and...
A LTHOUGH the respondent's reprer1 sentative declared that hitherto no appeal for a licence for an express service from an...
rlialCISM of members of the Road Haulage Association who objected to applications "by signing on the dotted line" was made by...
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A PPEALS lodged by the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus 4-1 Co., Ltd., against decisions of the West Midland and East...
A N appeal lodged by Bassett's Coachways, Ltd., Tittensor, Stoke-onTrent, against a decision of the West Midland Licensing...
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MR. C. C. BIANCHI has resigned from his position as director and general manager of Beans Industries, Ltd. Ma. R. P. BROOKES....
W HILST some £260m. has been invested in industrial development in South Wales since the war, practically nothing has been...
I N the New Year Honours, Sir Clive L. Baillieu, chairman of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., becomes a Baron. The list also...
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TWO committees, one to advise on I matters requiring Government action and the other to deal with propaganda, were set up on...
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F OUR passenger-transport undertakings, three municipal and one company-owned, have made repeat applications for revised fares....
Last year, General Motors built 455,056 commercial vehicles. Prices of remoulded tyres were cut by 5 per cent. on Monday. The...
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B US undertakings in Ceylon have to become public companies this year, otherwise they will not be granted route licences. At...
found against a defence submission that coaches run without road service licences by Messrs. Leslie Gleave, Nantwieh, to carry...
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L AST Monday. a new charges scheme affecting fares -11—t on the London Transport Executive road and rail services was put...
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Frog in the Grass A tadpole that has so gaily waved its tail in the water must feel very sick ■rben the tail begins to drop...
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By Ashley Taylor, A.M.I.R.T.E. T HE people of Manchester are fortunate in possessing an excellent water supply from the Lake...
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A VAN having a body incorporating a number of the most sought-after safe-driving features has been in use for some time by...
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Vaporizing Oil By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.1.Mech.E. W HEN Mr. G. P. Bradley. transport manager, Judk ins, Ltd., Tuttle Hill...
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.g. with 6-ton Load By Laurence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. I T was no freak of performance that enabled the Albion Chieftain, loaded...
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A NEW Act to consolidate and unify the operation of municipal passenger transport, was suggested by Mr. W. J. Evans, general...
COLLOWING the reading of Dr. Merritt's paper "Research and the Engineering Process with Particular Reference to the Automobile...
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I T is not sufficient, when attacking somebody's views on design, to say that he or she does not appreciate the msthetic...
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Bus-body Styling IT is to be hoped that many of the p.s.v. operators in this country who strive to reduce running costs in...
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By Donald R. MacGregor T HE proposal in the Inglis Report that the citizens of Glasgow should he induced to travel more by rail...
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S PECIALLY devised to supply lubricating oil in large quantities to aircraft using London Airport, a new tanker has recently...
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Adviser A RECENT action for damages which came to an abortive end so far as the plaintiff, who had suffered personal injuries...
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I N this and the previous article. I am trying to impress the small operator with the importance of making provision in a...
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Company . A N order for several tippers has been placed 'with Bromilow and Edwards, Ltd., Foundry Street,. Bolton, by one of...
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of snow clearance, and shows a vehicle designed expressly for this purpose. The patentee is P. Gledhill, New Dean House, '...
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A LTHOUGH the process Balancing Charges Levied on of denationalizing longHauliers Who Resisted Nationdistance road haulage is...
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T HERE is a tendency towards a revulsion of feeling concerning the number of shows at which commercial vehicles are displayed....
Compacting Road Beds R ESEARCH into road construction in New Jersey, U.S.A., has resulted in the development of a system of...
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Of a coming battle over liquid-fuel prices—which should benefit consumers. From a reader, how appropriate are the index...
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Drops £1.3m. in 1952 A LTHOUGH the revenue of British Railways was £25.7m. higher in 1-1 1952 than in 1951, British Road...
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TWO appeals lodged by the Railway Executive against the grant of additional facilities to coach operators in Taunton and...
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F.Inst.T.A., has become mana g er of Messrs. Kendrick's Tours, Dudley. MR. S. Bo/Junes, has been elected chairman of the Yarn...
itylASS prosecutions a g ainst coach 1v1 operators doin g what they thou g ht to be private-him work without road service...
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THERE can be no open competition in transport, because the different means serve varying requirements. One method Cannot...
T HE size of many large building sites has provided opportunities for new methods of handling material and Hall and Co., •...
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R ESULTS of 10 months' operation since the last increase in the price of fuel in March, last year, in the course of which costs...
DEPRESENTINO a number of IA. objectors at the hearing in Cardiff, on Monday, of the • application for variations 'in fares by...
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C OMMENTING on the increases in fares proposed by the London Transport Executive, the chairman of the National Union of...
HONOURS for producing the I 1 largest s elf discharging refuse-disposal unit (" The Cornmercial Motor," January 2) have passed...
" I T is a principle which we have always adopted in this area, and think it is general, that we don't normally bring a new...
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A N application by E. Tucker (Taunton), Ltd., to run a service from Isiorton military camp, Taunton, to London, was refused by...
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I N the past, the organizers of the Brussels Salon have taken pride in the keen demand for stand space, which has required the...
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F OR some weeks, E. W. Watts (Haulage), Ltd., Banbury, Oxon,• has been operating a container cattle-truck built throughout of...
S AND-MOULDING as generally practised to-day has certain drawbacks, among which may be mentioned the difficulty of making...
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D ESIGNED to meet a wide range of requirements, a new ambulance for the Joint Committee of St. John and British Red Cross...
R ISING labour charges make it increasingly necessary for transport operators to keep track of the time spent by their...
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By Laurence J. Cotto M.I.R.T.E. A SSUMING that the estimate of one mile on the M.1.R.A. circuit corresponds to 500-1,000 miles...
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Small Operators By-passed A LMOST every week one reads in "The Commercial Motor" of a number of cases in which passenger....
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The Symbolic Coelacanth O FF the coast of Madagascar recently native fishermen caught a specimen of the coelacanth, a rare...
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A PPROVAL for the system of taxing commercial vehicles on. unladen weight was expressed by Mr. John Alden, A.M.I.Mech.E.,...
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Availability in Tipper Fleet By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. T HE diversity of factors in the economical operation of a...
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University on its 1950 economic survey of the Vale of Evesham. Seventy-five farms totalling 3,781.4 acres were studied and the...
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T HE curious thing about standing charges is that some of them are more controversial than running costs, although there should...
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A TOOL for inserting or removing cylinder liners in their blocks is shown in patent No. 684,090, by Chicago Pneumatic Tool...