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VOU• may well ask the question, "What is a corn bind? " as you did in your leading article dated April 21, and perhaps a poor haulier may be excused for becoming slightly muddled about the policy of the Hauliers' Mutual Federation on this point.
On page 288 of your issue of May 19 I read a powerful article by the chairman of the Hauliers' Mutual Federation, Mr. J. Arnold Kirby,-in which he apparently seeks to define the policy of his Federation as "anti-combine," and, in pursuit of this policy, to justify its alliance with the Council of Retail Distributors.
Am I wrong in thinking that it is the "Daily Express" which is the father of the Council of Retail Distributors, and that the main object of its attack appears to be the Co-operative movement, as representing the greatest danger to the " small man "?
On the following page of the same issue I read an excellent article by Mr. E. B. Howes, vice-chairman of the Hauliers' Mutual Federation nd chairman of Messrs. A. Saunders and Son, Co-operative Group. (The italics are mine.)
So where are we? SMALL HAULIER. London, S.E.5.
[We would point out that there is considerable difference between ordinary co-operation amongst, say, small hauliers, and the policy of the Co-operative Societies as such. The latter posscss the striking advantage that they are able to pay what amounts to interest to their members without the deduction of income tax, whereas a co-operative group, such as that of Messrs. A. Saunders and Son, is more a policy of pooling business and profits, possibly, also, presenting advantages in the way of bulk buying. It would not exercise political influence in the same way, nor would it reap any peculiar benefits in respect of taxation.—ED.]
ILIKE Mr. E. B. Howes's article "Heard in the House." I also like his reply to Mr. Quick Smith. The obvious answer is a new S.J.C. quickly.
A. THOMPSON, Managing Director.
(For Garratt and Wright, Ltd.) Luton.
TO-DAY the vital question of post-war housing is naturally uppermost in the minds of all those interested in the welfare and happiness of the gallant lads who are sacrificing their all for us. It is up to those of us at home to see to it that all those who return find
• good houses for their families and themselves. Housing rightly takes priority of all other matters of post-war reconstruction. Amid this welcome clamour about housing, it would, I am sure, be gratifying to those who are at present soldiers, sailors, airmen or war workers, if these future homes of theirs were related to what they themselves would like, them to be.
For example; one small yet, to many, important fact is that they are looking forward to running a car in the days of peace. As in the United States, almost all citizens will become potential car owners and thereby gain much pleasure and health for themselves and their .families.
If local authorities be aware of that perfectly legitimate ambition, very few of them have expressed their awareness by including garages in their housing plans. How many of their members who read "The Commercial Motor" have taken up the question? If any have not, will they bear in mind that the ambition is not only, as I have said, perfectly legitimate, it is also an indication of a thrifty attitude, worthy of encouragement in itself and, moreover, a contribution to the stability of our social fabric.
London, S W . 1. NOEL CURTIS-BENNETT, President (For the Guild of Master Motorists and • Civil Service Motoring Association.)
[It may be thought by some of our readers that in publishing this letter, we are invading the field of the private motorist. It is, howevet, a matter which naturally affects a great nuthber of people in the commercialtransport side of the industry, who are running, or will run, private cars for their work or for private purposes. Most of them will probably use such vehicles to meet their requirements in both these connections.—En.]
I N the May 26 issue of your valuable journal there is a short paragraph on page 301, in connection with wages and customary holidays, which seems to me might be misunderstood. The statement that " the driver is entitled to 8/ hours' pay if he does not work and to a minimum of 8/ hours at double time if he' does any work" might, possibly, be interpreted as that the driver should receive pay -for the equivalent of three 8/-hour periods or a total of 25/ hours' pay if he works, which, of course, is not intended.
In RH 14 also it is nowhere made perfectly clear that the double pay for a customary holiday includes the single rate for 8i hours paid whether he works or not.
I would suggest that this could be clarified by the insertion in brackets after " double rate of time " of the words " which includes the amount paid if no work be done."
In other words, if the man does not work he gets single pay; if he works he receives double, but no more.
Erith. S. C. ButeocK, Wharf Manager.
(For Herbert W. Clarke and Sons (Erith), Ltd.) EDUCATE THE PARENTS TO SAVE THE CHILDREN INECENTLY I was listening to the sombre account of road deaths concerning children. This was at about 9.15 p.m. Within two minutes, looking from my window into the street below, I saw two little girls, one not more than four and the other perhaps five, presumably returning from a nearby park. and unaccompanied.
Quite apart from the fact that such small children should have been in bed much earlier, there is always the risk that they will neglect to take precautions when crossing busy streets. In some parts of London I have seen children playing in the gutter or sitting on the kerb with their feet dangling. Imagine the consequences if a vehicle had to pull quickly to the near side.
• Children cannot resist running into the road, if only to pelt vehicles with stones, dirt, etc.—a joke to them, but also a grave danger to both the children and drivers of vehicles. Neither can really be blamed in such cases if an accident occurs. The onus must fall upon the parents. I know that the fathers are often away and the mothers frequently doing work in the factory or house, but there is also a great deal of carelessness. There is urgent need for the .better " education " of parents in this matter. R. Eeveicx. London, N.li.