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W E would have liked all those who are interested in the formation of the proposed Institute of Road Transport Engineers to...
. . . . R ATEPAYERS in a certain C.D. Ambulances should be kept at the Ready" . . . . southern town are expressing indignation...
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That we have to fill in ration books to fill out. The query, ' Will this war have a big end or a little end?" Suggestions...
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Road Transport's Part in the Invasion AST Tuesday came the heart-stirring news that the Forces of the United Nations had...
roads, the feature of the' war period is the satisfactory manner in which the -" classified " highways that have been built or...
T HE Railway Executive Committee has recently issued some details , of the road services of the main railways, and they show...
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A RISING from the Perry scheme dispute in Yorkshire, as to what should be the location of the boundary line between the Road...
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QPEA.KING at the a.g.m. of the kJ South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., which controls the Swansea Improve-ments and Tramways Co.,...
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Feu) Members of Parliament Have Any Real Knowledge of the Value of Road Transport to the Nation and to Trade and Industry and...
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Whole CountryDioided Into Three Sections With Close Liaison Which Permits Considerable Balancing of Traffic andVehicleCapacity...
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What Constitutes Rate-cutting? Further Consideration of the Suggestion that Free Competition in Rates is Desirable: Some More...
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:ESSFUL HAULAGE EXPANSION IF it be necessary to demonstrate that the best type of haulage business is one which is small...
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F OR the third successive year, the directors of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., of Leighborough, recently met a...
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Standard Formula, Arrive at the Single-vehicle Operator a"Take-it-or-leave-it"Figure N OT having read the article, " An...
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Swollen Traffics and Reduced Services Responsible for Present Huge Profit Which May Reflect Seriously upon Post-war Conditions...
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WHAT IS THE DEFINITION OF 4 COMBINE? VOU• may well ask the question, "What is a corn bind? " as you did in your leading...
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71-M attention of a small band of 1 inventors is constantly being directed towards the perfection of an alternative to the...