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Railways Force Police Action. Further Condemnation of the RoadRail Report. Facilities for Night Servicing Progress Retarded by Commissioners. Refrigerator on a Six-wheeler. How Salter Report Proposals Affect Community
Police Action Forced by the Railways.
[38481 Sir,—I think that the following example of the railways' influence on the police might be of interest.
One of our drivers on a vehicle weighing over 2Atons but running on pneumatics was to-day stopped by a sergeant of the mobile police mid told that he was doing 25 m.p.h. The driver denied this and said that his speed was 20 m.p.h. The police sergeant said he would not report him on this occasion, but if he found him doing it again he would have to do so, because the railway companies are continually making complaints to his superiors that the mobile police are not being sufficiently zealous in prosecuting drivers of goodscarrying vehicles for exceeding their speed limits.
The position is surely becoming acute when a police sergeant explains that he has to take steps to prosecute commercial-vehicle drivers, not because it is his duty, but because of the pressure brought to bear by the railway companies.
G. BRYAN Gum", Manager, For Gush's Transport, Ltd. Thatcham,
Condemnation of the Whole of the Road and Rail Conference Report.
[3849] Sir,—The Road Haulage Association has asked its council members to refrain from detailed criticism in the Press, in view of the request for its official views, which are now being carefully prepared. I will, therefore, confine myself to saying that I have not, as yet, found in the report a single useful suggestion for improving the relations between road and rail which the committee so piously hopes may result.
To judge from .the storm. of criticism with which the report has been received, any improvement in these relations has .been set back a generation.
My final word is that it is absolutely vital for all road interests to speak with one voice in opposing thin report.
ROGER W. SEWILL, Director, • London and Southern Counties Transport Co., Ltd. Reigate.
Night Servicing Facilities for Commercial Vehicles.
[3850] Sir,—We note with interest a paragraph, in your September 2nd issue of The Commercial Motor, that G. S. Oscroft and Co., Ltd., of Nottingham, has recently introduced a night-service scheme, giving continuous service until midnight..
We thought you would be interested to know that two years ago we foresaw that night service would eventually become a necessity with the commercial user, and, being distributors for the Bedford vehicle, we instituted a continuous 24-hours' service ; it was found in practice, however, that so much work could be got through in this time that it was necessary to have it very large volume. About a year ago, therefore, we decided to finish at midnight, and we are still working until this hour.
The idea of night service to the commercial user
seems to be new, and our experience proves that to make this a success it must be Constantly advertised and brought to the notice of users,, but we have not the slightest doubt that this will be an absolute demand in a very short time.
We will conclude by referring to the interest with which we look forward to the weekly issue of your newspaper.
Wishing you every success.
G. A. Gr‘WILLIAM. Service Manager, For C. H. Mason and Co., Ltd.
Commissioners Who Discourage Progress.
[3851] Sir,—Hearty congratulations on your outspoken and opportune remarks in your leading article of August 16th concerning the oil engine. Without doubt, your policy has already been vindicated, and M.R.S., Ltd., and others are to be • congratulated on their foresight in converting their machines. Some of our contractors have used oil-engined units „ for over a year and maintain them to be an unqualified success ; one concern has nearly thirty. Here anent I feel it very necessary to utter a warning note, such as I gave on the advent of the six-wheeler, for I have abundant evidenceof these new units being already abused, as has been the six-wheeler, right from its birth. When a well-known six-wheeler 'arrived, the purchasers promptly assumed that these excellent vehicles could be operated at costs very little in excess of the 5-tonner, and as they could carry double. the weight, the carriage rates to the public were practically • halved.
Therefore, these stupid owners were no better off than if they had operated 5-tonners ; in fact, many were much worse off, because experience proved that they had somewhat under-estimated running costs, and subsequently they realized that there was a substantial increase in repair bills. As they could not increase their carriage charges to the economic level, they forthwith looked to systematic overloading to produce the necessary revenue.
The net result was "from the frying pan into the fire" for many otherwise good people, and the scapegoat was the machine! I have always maintained that this famous type of vehicle has never been
given a chance: A cut of 25 per cent. in the rate would have been ample to have pleased everybody, and I make a strong appear to the owners of oil-power units not to repeat this fatal mistake.
They have already made drastic cuts in rates in view of lower fuel costs. Are they making proper depreciation allowances and do they realize that they ,cannot advance carriage rates to meet increased taxation—to come sooner or later?
Whilst appreciating the discouragement you have received from certain quarters, may I assert that your lonely furrow is not now so lonely as you think. Having put your hands to the plough, it is right not to turn back, but if you turn your head only slightly you will observe many of us following your Steps in the furrow, just as do the rooks follow the agricultural plough, despite scarecrows.
Just as some good-meaning but ill-advised farmers shoot rooks, afterwards to find the birds' crops full of wireworms, so will those people now prejudiced against oil engines discover their mistake. With all deference to the exceptional Comfnissioners who use discretion, is It not expected of theta to apply the creed of "rail transport must increase and road transport decrease "? Frankly, I long ago "despaired of obtaining unbiased treatment " from any civilservice department, hence my dread of licences, etc.
During my recent convalescence a railway official wrote me a message which I would like to pass on to you, i.e., "Don't put to-day's clouds in front of to-morrow's sunshine."
WAITER GAMMONS, Managing Director, For Walter Gammons, Ltd. London, E,C.1.
[It should be noted that Mr; Gammons' letter was written before the publication of the Road-Rail Conference Report —ED.] David and Goliath.
[3852] Sir,—It is most refreshing at last to learn of a big business which has really been beaten by the "little-'uns." One finds oneself comparing the railways with the bully at school, who, having been thrashed by a comparative midget, tries to enlist sympathy by pointing out all the advantages the other fellow had.
The railways do not seem to realize that the most important party of all, namely, the transport user, knows which form of haulage has studied his interests, and in the event of super taxation and restrictions, would still use the road to avoid the advent of another rail monopoly. MTLLICHAMP BROS. Belton.
How the Road and Rail Conference Proposals Will Affect the Community.
[3853] Sir,—Discussing with one of the partners in an important colonial produce wholesale firm in the City the possible results that might accrue, if we assume that the excessively heavy motor taxation proposed by the Salter Conference is—by any bad luck —ever made law, I mentioned to him that the increased
cost per ton carried per 100 miles would be in the region of 1s. 6d. to 2s., and I asked him what he -thought about it. His reply was, "We shall pass it on to the retail customer who buys from us."
Quite naturally, the retail man will again "pass it on" to the good housewife who daily buys her sugar and currants and the rest, and so the hard-working man will have to pay out more each week to his wife for the purchase of the daily necessities. Thus, while we are striving to get all taxes and financial burdens reduced, the new proposals will do exactly the opposite, and therefore the public must join with the motor haulage industry to fight this iniquitous proposal.
Bear in .mind that a nine-ton lorry now pays £48 licence and—if it runs 30,000 miles in a year (as many do)—out of £333 cost of petrol, no less than £222 is
c30 the Government duty, making the huge sum of £270 a • year in taxes for that lorry. Now, the Salter Conference proposes that this same lorry shall pay £183 licence instead of 148, thus making the gross tax on this machine up to the enormous sum of £405, as against the present £270. Assuming that the lorry works for 300 days a year, this means an increase of 9s. per working day. How is it possible even to consider such a proposal?
• Bearing in mind these facts, and that the real representatives of the heavy road • haulage industry were not even represented on the Conference, it is more thau obvious that when the time comes to thrash this matter out. these unjust proposals will be either enormously .modified or thrown out entirely, probably the latter. W. H. GODDARD. Leeds.
Accommodating a Refrigerating Plant on a Leyland Hippo.
[3854] Sir,—I have just purchased a new Leyland Hippo six-wheeler, and it is to be engaged in conveying perishable, bulky, as well as heavy, goods.
As I was looking at it this morning I wondered whether the space above the driver's cabin could be utilized to accommodate the refrigerator motor..
If so, how must it be carried, solely on the roof of cabin; or must a space be left around the cabin? If so, could it be carried by a cantilever framework from the body, .quite independent of the cabin? Access would be via the inside of the van, and, of course, it would be totally enclosed for weather protection.
If this construction would be allowed, I shall have the rest of the Hippos in the fleet similarly altered.
[Provided that the cooling motor be net too heavy, we can see , no objection to its being mounted in a compartment above the cab of the vehicle. It would probably be advisable to support this compartment, as you suggest, by a cantilever framework from the main body, quite independently of the cab. Very often there is a certain amount of chassis whip just behind the cab, and this is the reason why cabs are generally built quite separate from the main bodywork. The same applies to passenger vehicles of the forward-control type. You should be careful, then, to leave an inch or two between the cab and your upper compartment.
Before altering all your Leyland Hippos in this way, we would strongly advise you to experiment with one vehicle only and see if it be satisfactory.—En.]
Starting a Carrier Service. • The Editor, THE COMMERCIAL MOTOR.
[3855] Sir,—I am thinking of starting a carrier service next month, from Bristol to Weston-super-Mare, taking a roundabout route of about 30 miles. Will you please inform me if I have to join any union and start from an appointed depot, and as to what charges I
should make. CARRIER. Bristol.
[You do not have to join any union, but we would advise membership of the Road Haulage Association, Grand Buildings Trafalgar Square, London, W.C.2, full particulars being obtainable on application to the secretary at that address. As regards costs and charges, our Tables of Operating Costs will be sent to you if you apply, giving your full address.—ED.1 Alteration of Publishing Day.
[3856] Sir,—In reply to your letter of August 22nd, we wish to say that we are pleased to note the change from Tuesday to Friday for your day of publication, as it will, in our opinion, be much more convenient for all concerned, particularly by shortening the time taken in the actual production of the paper.
J, PARKER GARNER, Director, For Garner Motors Co., Ltd.