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N O official report, not even that of the Royal Commission on Transport, has caused such a commotion amongst all classes as...
rIONFIDENTIAL information has been given -/to us concerning the development of the compression-ignition engine on the...
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rrHE sections of the community which are likely to give the heartiest thanks to the Road and Rail Conference, if its...
N OT content with harassing road transport by propaganda and recommendations for its restriction, the railways are adopting the...
S PEAKING at a recent luncheon, Sir Herbert Austin, K.B.E., in referring to the Road-Rail Conference Report, said that the...
A well-equipped Thurgood caravan body has been fitted to a Dennis Lancet chassis. Page 129. Utilizing a Gardner oil engine,...
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That the Road-Rail Conference's recommendations take a lot of reconciling with the public interest: The suggestion that the...
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"The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever point's arising, as a carriage is by the...
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A Bill for the purpose of controlling road-transport services has been submitted by the Argentine Government to Congress. It...
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Power harvesting machines (combine harvester threshers) have this year been used fairly extensively throughout the corn-growing...
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The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Crown House, Aldwych, London, W.0.2, has recently submitted for test under the Royal...
Councillor H. H. Nuttall has sent to every member of Liverpool City Council a memorandum wherein he expatiates on the effects...
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SKEGNESS . Town Council has received sanction to borrow £350 for the purchase of a lorry. The cleansing comnaittee of BURNLEY...
Ayr DOI interest attaches to the cylinALder-lining process developed by the Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Co., Ltd.,...
Chelmsford Corporation is to install automatic traffic signals in Beddow Rd., and High St. A Paris concern is specializing in...
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articulated Semi-trailer Outfit Electrically Welded Frame Joints Enable Great Strength to be Combined with Lightness W ELL...
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in service A FTER two or three years' experience with a fleet of eight six-wheeled 58-seater and 60seater trolley-buses a...
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Tipping Gear . A NEW hydraulic-tipping gear has recently been produced by Broadlow and Edwards, Ltd., Foundry Street, Bolton....
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Railways Force Police Action. Further Condemnation of the RoadRail Report. Facilities for Night Servicing Progress Retarded by...
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Novel Application of Lattice-girder Construction in Park Royal Passenger Bodies • NUMBER of interesting features A is to be...
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with side engine mounting Advantages of Accessibility and Extra Seating Capacity Obtained by Mounting Enginegearbox Unit at...
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An Interesting Test Proves the Value of a Special System of Loading and Unloading O N the specialized cereal‘grovving...
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—how it is affected by the report Recommendations in the Road-Rail Report for Exacting Supervision and Strict Operating...
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T LIE purchase of a chassis carrying a body specially built for a certain class of work is not an economic proposition unless...
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to reduce costs The Need for an Increased Use of Power Appliances in Agriculture is Stressed by the Institute for Research in...
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EXPERINIE:%.:TS of some importance ' in the oil-engine field are being made in Prance by the Societe Sebia, a concern that...
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for passengers and goods Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Announces Increased Power for Passengervehicle Engine, also Improved Lorry...
hydro-electrically controlled Trailer Brake An Improved Form of Brake-operating Gear Developed by the LowLoading Trailer Co.,...
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T HE experience of Kennards, Ltd., of Croydon, which is the proprietor of the well-known furniture removers, Batchelars of...
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LONDON BUS-SPEED CHANGE INVOLVES OPERATIONAL REORGANIZATION An Interesting Explanatory Statement Made by the L.G.O. Co., Ltd....
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Northern Scotland. AT the Aberdeen sitting on September 14th a number of applications by the Highland Transport Co., Ltd.,...
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ROAD-RAIL TICKETS IN GLASGOW AREA. AGREEMENT has been reached be tween the L.M.S. and L.N.E. Railway Companies and the Central...
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A Feature which Hauliers Find Helpful in Estimating and Anticipating Chances for Obtaining Contracts A S these notes are...
B RUISH, American and French interests are concerned in rapid preparations that are now being made to start the construction...
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HAULIER and CARRIER T HERE are some tobacconists who put their customers' business before their own, I think that is a sound...
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B ECAU of: market developing for the sale of ammercial-motor chassis for the purpose of private travel, .interest attaches to...
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A Relsurri of Recently Published Patent Specifications T HE naine of the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., appears in patent No. 378,164,...