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Northern Scotland.
AT the Aberdeen sitting on September 14th a number of applications by the Highland Transport Co., Ltd., Inverness, and other concerns, for the variation of road-service licence conditions, will come under consideration.
Southern Scotland.
SINCE our last issue appeared, the list for the Edinburgh sitting On September 20th has been published.
Young's bus service appears as an objector to several applications by the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., in regard to services from. Glasgow, tours from Largo, Beith, etc. The opposition is reciprocated. An old-established Drinoon operator, Mr. A. J. Antonelli, will object to Mr. D. Brodie's stage-service application for the Dunoon-Sandbank route.
AT Middlesbrough on September 16th
the Commissioners will open an inquiry into Middlesbrough Corporation's application to run public-service vehicles, as part of its tramway and motorbus undertaking, between Middlesbrough and Broughton.
The latest gazette gives details of applications to be heard at Middlesbrough after this inquiry is completed ; these include applications by West Hartlepool Corporation in respect of new services.
At South Shields, 'Sunderland and Durham some new stage services will be applied for.
AT Leeds, on September 20th, the West Riding Automobile Co., Ltd., and railway interests will oppose stageservice applications by J. Bullock and Sons (1923), Ltd. The remainder of the week's business &as not appear to be very controversial, although the Blackpool-Leeds express service of Wood Bros. (Blackpool), Ltd., in regard to which a modification is asked for, will be opposed by B. and B. Tours, Ltd., also the West Yorkshire and L.M.S. undertakings.
CONSIDERABLE argument is likely
to be heard at the Blackburn sitting opening on .September 20th, there being wholesale railway opposition to excursion licences applied for by numerous independent operators. Some of the applications are for new services, whilst several ask for modifications. Express-service licences will meet similar oppo
sition. Again we see Ribble Motor Services, Ltd., opposed by the L.M.S. Railway Co. in regard to its stage services, Wigan Corporation's application for consent to operate public-service vehicles on certain routes outside the borough boundary will be considered on the afternoon of September 19th. The L.M.S. objection has now been withdrawn..
West Midland.
MANY strongly opposed applications will occupy the Commissioners on September 22nd and 23rd at Birming
ham. Operators are asking for new express-service and excursion licences in numbers, and will meet with objection not only from the railways and railway-associated companies but also from independents who might have been expected to come to terms.
East Midland.
TEE Commissioners have now arranged a sitting at Leicester on September 21st. The latest list of applications for bearing includes only a few really difficult cases. The LeicesterYarmouth express-service licence, applied for, with modifications, by the Licester and District Bus Co., is ,objected to by the L.N.E. and L.M.S. railway companies.
AT Cambridge on September 28th and 29th, applications of all kinds will be considered, little opposition being noted in the latest gazette. Mr. E. J. Ogden's modified schedule of excursions from Southend is widely objected to, and the Eastern National undertaking is opposing certain applications affecting its area of activity.
South Wales.
OF the arrangements made for the rest
of September, a feature will be the opposition which combine companies, such as theCrosville and Western Welsh undertakings, will bring against private applications for stage services and excursions, most of the cases being listed for consideration at the Brecon sitting opening On September 28th.
THE Commissioner has announced
• that be does not propose to hold any public sitting during the week commencing September 19th.