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SUMMARY OF MR. G. E. LIARDET'S STATEMENT FOR YEAR ENDED 31st DECEMBER, 1955 The Annual General Meeting of Simms Motor Units...
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There Must be Great Progress in Design to Compete with the Highly Efficient Oil Engine M ANY vehicle manufacturers and...
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T HE Minister of Transport has issued to various appropriate bodies, a memorandum asking for their suggestions and advice as to...
Americans Taste Economy t4IGHLY satisfactory results have been gained by " two Pennsylvanian bus operators who installed...
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A LTHOUGH the new Disposal Act makes it possible for the sale of • B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., and B.R.S. (Meat Haulage), Ltd., to...
D Y a substantial majority, the mein"—, bers of Area C of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association have deprecated the...
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" D ELIBERATE diversion ' of sheep transport from rail to road was alleged by Mr. J. L. R. Croft, objecting on behalf of...
V EHICLES of British Road Services had no advertising value, a witness told the Western Licensing Authority last week. Mr. W J....
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CotF. T. DAWES has been appointed to the board of the Pressed Steel CO. MR. E. T. GILL has joined the Mond Nickel Co., Ltd.,...
Perkins in Gerrnany: Five new service centres have been opened in Germany by F. Perkins, Ltd. Loan for Trolleybuses: The...
1- 1 - 'HE expected claim for higher pay I. for the 100,000 workers employed by provincial bus companies will soon be submitted...
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" THERE are railway lines running right to the door of the abattoirs in Lancashire, yet they are standing empty for hours on...
THE East Midland Licensing Author" ity decided last week not. to go forward with a proposal to . vary the conditions of a road...
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Changed to A Licence A GLASTONBI.AY haulage firm were, last week, granted an A licence for three vehicles in substitution of...
T HE recession in the motor industry was blamed for loss of traffic by Birmingham Transport Department when they applied, last...
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A FTER the present holiday season, a further proposal concerning the period during which annual holidays may be taken by road...
*THE suggestion that fares should be reduced for an experimental period was made for the London County Council before the...
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I F the application were granted, it would increase Pleasureways' tour schedule by 50 per cent. No other fantail tour operator...
ESIDENTS of the Fife village of Kingskettle were described as "clannish," " parochial " and " independent " before the Scottish...
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.CMPLOYED as a radio link between outside-broadcast locations and the transmitting station by Granada TV Network, Ltd.,...
maximum charges and conditions of carriage have been confirmed by the Northern Ireland Transport Tribunal. Generally there...
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Latest Rutland Rear-engined Passenger Chassis has Unconventional Transmission Layout and Meadows Oil Engine : Improved...
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lUTANAGERS in charge of the YI operation and maintenance of a company's goods vehicles are often entrusted also with the...
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Foremanship H OPES that the Devlin Committee might produce a key piece in the jigsaw puzzle of the transport problem at the...
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T HE names of purchasers of list 15 transport units are reported from three areas this week. Seven Special Traffics units have...
has successfully tendered for list 15 unit 9987. It comprised a small van, based in Lincoln. EASTERN COUNTIES An articulated...
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• In Ireland, the Local Bus Operator Often also Runs the Town's Store : Some Routes Cross the Border : British-built Buses...
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NIFIDENCE FOR GROWTH In Less than Three Years, Jamaica Omnibus Services, Ltd., have Revolutionized Public Transport in...
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COMPREHENSIVELY equipped for repairs to tyres and wheels, a special light-alloy van built by Wilsdon and Co., Ltd., Solihull,...
A LTHOUGH the conventional type of scissor tongs eliminates the use of slings when unloading certain kinds of load from road...
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By Our Legal Adviser T HE new Road Traffic Act has been an unconscionable time reaching the statute book, and in the course of...
HE provisions of the Act of direct interest to passenger I transport operators are contained in three Sections and one long...
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FOR YOUR DIESEL VEHICLES WITH Shell RoteIla Oil driver or owner to initiate such arran g ements if the re passen g ers are...
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THESE are both numerous and diverse, and are dealt with I here only in outline, being grouped so far as possible with other...
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A.E.C. 'MAMMOTH MAJOR/ HEAVY DUTY DUMPER F OURTEEN hundred feet up in the hills of Monmouthshire, A.E.C. 'Mammoth Major'...
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an attitude was clearly illogical. Nonetheless, Parliament has had to face the fact that such an attitude existed. The new...
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A CORRESPONDENT writes to criticize some of the figures I gave in the issue of The Commercial Motor dated July 27. "Why do you...
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he can make from a job at a given charge. It is then that he appreciates the value of the oiler's lower costs. And that may...
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A Review of Recently Published Patents Specifications A DEVICE for maintaining the working pressure in a hydraulic brake...