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With Britain's acceptance of a compromise solution on driving hours limits, the prospect of an early decision on axle weights...
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Alan Law warns Welshmen on risk of 'second class' status by John Darker • More than 200 hgv drivers, at a dinner arranged by...
Commissioners' decision pointless, say MPs • Midland Red, with a fleet of 1301 passenger vehicles in the West Midland area, is...
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• The National Freight Corporation is reorganizing and merging the services and functions at present being provided by...
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• From the beginning of 1972 road haulage permits for France will be allocated on a block basis, for the year, and the German...
• Rival East End gangs competed for hijack lorry loads and if one gang did not get the load, they would blackmail the other...
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and it looks like 11 tonnes for axles • From January 1 1976 the maximum daily driving hours for goods and passenger vehicle...
• Detailed information about the remuneration actually being paid to goods vehicle drivers by a cross-section of companies is...
• The board of Seddon Diesel Vehicles Ltd announced on Wednesday that it had accepted the resignation of Mr P. M. Yates from...
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from our Parliamentary correspondent • Offences, shortcomings and abuses by foreign lorries coming to Britain were serious and...
• The prototype British Leyland gas turbine-powered tractive unit which ShellMex and BP Ltd is to operate on service trials...
• An agreement has been signed in Bonn under which, in recognition of the waiver of vehicle excise duty on German commercial...
• A system of transport management information, called Fleet Facts, is to be offered in the UK next year. Based on a method of...
• The planned showing of an LDoY feature in BBC TV's Blue Peter Children's programme on December 2 has been postponed. CM will...
• The TUC this week issued Good Industrial Relations, a book for negotiators which stresses the need for collective bargaining....
• Hargreaves Group Ltd interim report records that pretax profits have passed the I I m mark in a half-year for the first time....
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• Liverpool's new £40m dock at Seaforth, virtually a self-contained port in itself, became operational on Monday December 6...
• In its first year as a public company, Ralph Hilton Transport Services made a profit of £625,894 before tax, on a turnover of...
• Transport Engineering Services, operating division of Tate and Lyle Transport Ltd, have signed a sales and service agreement...
• The final section of the London — South Wales Motorway (M4), will be opened on Wednesday, December 22. This is the 50-mile...
• The Inland Transport Research and Development Council is to be replaced by a new Planning and Transport Research and Advisory...
• The first ro-ro freight ferry from Finland berths at Navyard Wharf, Harwich on January 10 1972, after leaving the Finnish...
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Agreement reached with NBC for integrated services; bus/rail feeder experiments planned • Members of Merseyside Passenger...
• A former clerk with Cumberland Motor Services of Whitehaven, Mr Wilfred Lindsay, 45, of Kirkstone Road, Mirehouse,...
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Service keeps a truck going. And excellent service keeps it going longer. Which is one reason why so many old Fodens are still...
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Super Reiver 20 ton GVW tipper. Here's a 6 wheeler to give you confidence and make profits into the bargain. There's a reserve...
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• Mascot Coaches of Norwich — one of the companies owned by Votier Holdings Ltd — has bought the goodwill of Carley Motors Ltd,...
• The Department of the Environment has rejected an appeal by Durham county council, supported by several district councils,...
• A report just issued by a DoE working group on one-man operated buses has revealed that the service in Hull is the speediest...
• The Bristol Omnibus Company has introduced shoppers special buses between Portishead and Bristol, The specials will enable...
• Belfast's city bus services lost more than £446,000 for the year ended March 31 1971, and carried 18 million fewer passengers...
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• With Section 69 cases tci be heard against two operators and no representative present from either one of the companies, the...
• Clawford Haulage Ltd, of Leighton Buzzard, operating from Bathgate, was granted its full application for 36 vehicles and 42...
• Forty-two summonses concerning hours and record offences brought by the East Midland LA against a Barrowupon-Humber haulier;...
Now that Britain hovers on the brink of Europe, the Corrununity's ways of doing things have great relevance — many of them, or...
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• The Scottish Traffic Commissioners have reserved their decision on the application of Raymond Abercrombie to operate an...
• A Yorkshire coach operator, Ward Bros (Lepton) Ltd, was fined a total of £10 and ordered to pay £24.47 costs by Huddersfield,...
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• A suggestion that the DoE appeared to be indulging in a policy of allowing offences to "pile up — before taking action was...
Peter W. Birch, 37, has been appointed managing director, fleet sales, of the British Car Auction Group. Mr Birch, who joined...
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• Hawley Plant Hire Co Ltd, Dartford, Kent, and York Trailer Co Ltd have jointly designed a new lightweight low-loader which...
• A new company, Lancer Boss Rentals, has been formed within the Lancer Boss Group to offer a fork-lift truck hire service to...
• In our description of the new Caterpillar 1150 diesel on page 36 of the November 5 issue. the oil consumption increase on...
• A. C. Penman Ltd, Dumfries, has dropped to under £400 the price of its power hydraulic system whereby, it is claimed, a...
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by Trevor Longcroft • United Services Garages Ltd, of Portsmouth, has announced an improved version of its front-wheel-drive...
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I was interested in your editorial (CM November 261 and particularly your reference to the falling-off in attendances at...
The leader column and the report of the ITA's conference (CM, November 261 draws attention to the apparent lack of enthusiasm...
As members of a local amenity society, associated with the Civic Trust's concern about heavy lorries, the committee of the...
The Council of my Society has good reason for becoming increasingly concerned about "Lorries and the Environment". In your...
During recent weeks, in reading Commerical Motor one can detect a certain amount of anti-foreign propaganda concerning imported...
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by lain Sherriff, MITA, AIRTE AFTER spending four days in Sweden with Norman Singer, who won our Lorry Driver of the Year...
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by Gibb Grace, DAuE, CEng, MIMechE A FULL operational trial report on a Terrier TR850 was published in CM on April 30 this...
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by Alan Kevan, FCIS, DMA, DPA, AMBIM, AMIPM, FITO, FTA training adviser I HAVE BEEN invited . by Commercial Motor to explain...
It's timing that counts • Delivery times provide indisputable yardsticks, as all concerned with operating transport know only...
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DISTRIBUTION - 4 by Alan Bunting, MIMechE This week, the Rol!along gantry loading system from Rollalong Ltd, Southampton...
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• The lorry is disliked everywhere and all other road users almost gang together to chase it away as some sort of pariah, Lorry...
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ypur tax by R. H. Grimsley BCorn, FIAC 8. Directors' expense accounts DAMAGE has been done to the working relationship...
by Handyman Benchwise: coo/it (37) AN INTERNAL LEAK may exist for quite some time before it is discovered or causes trouble....
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Foggy thinking BOTH of the recent spectacular multiple crashes on motorways occurred fairly early on a Monday. This may be...
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view by the Hawk • On the mend Friends of that great extrovert Geoff Hallam, managing director of Humber McVeigh Transport, of...
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by Paul Brockington, MIMechE kibbutz and routeing early and late is arranged accordingly if passenger density warrants it....
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Jack Stanworth • When Jack Stanworth left school at 15 in 1935 Lancashire was suffering from an industrial depression and like...
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particular reference to 3-ton rigid diesel vehicles in the CM Tables of Operating Costs table 2? What estimated life mileage...
tours of London (CM November 26) mention is made of foreign travel agents being introduced to tours free of licensing...
What is the reference for the Regulation introducing this policy? A We are not aware of any regulations which will require...
licences apply in respect of the following vehicles being moved on trade plates? a) A new unregistered chassis cab; b) a new...
licence is required for a dump truck which is on remission of duty, for shortdistance work (in no week does it travel more than...
runs from August 13 1969 to August 12 1972 and during the period February 1969 to February 1970, I drove a six-wheel rigid...
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matters By John Darker, AMBIIVI The Industrial Relations Act —7, The new statutory agencies IT is difficult to. discuss the...
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by Les Oldi - idge AMIRTE, MIMI Public service vehicles (3) THE Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness) Regulations,...
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by George Wilmot, Senior Lecturer in Transport Studies, University of London Educational organizations in transport IBCAM...
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A packaged equipment service is now available to garages and vehicle repair specialists from Transervice-TI, an equipment...
A differential cylinder pressure tester which will help to reduce the likelihood of sudden failure on all engines and plant,...
An inhibited ethylene glycol liquid anti-freeze with anti-foam and anti-corrosion additives to BS 3152 type C is distributed by...
Incorporating planetary gea mechanism for high torqu, output, the X 4 torqu , multiplier marketed by Alexande Marcar can be...
Granules which will absorb up 70 per cent of their own weiç of oil, water and acids, etc ha been introduced by Flo Absorbent...
A pipe-bending jig suitable fuel injection and brake pipinc_ to 8mm in diameter has b produced by Darwen Diei (Hazelvant), The...
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rem Invicta Plastics comes a (stem which enables easier lentification and location of a )ecific vehicle within a fleet. This...
by Trevor Longcroft iutine brake servicing is limited some cases merely to a visual eck for brake actuation. It is cessary to...
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A hydraulic brake servicing unit which transforms the job of bleeding hydraulic brake and clutch systems into a one-man...
A pocket booklet listing 63 distributors of spares for Seddon and Atkinson commercial vehicles has been brought out from...
Two cranes suitable for mounting on a truck or pick-up type vehicle are marketed in the UK by Global Dynamics Ltd. Both cranes...
An audible warning device — based on the British Post Office telephones receiver — that does not operate by means of contacts...