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Signs Of A Training Lapse
I was interested in your editorial (CM November 261 and particularly your reference to the falling-off in attendances at seminars concerned with transport subjects. Drawing on......
Rejuvenated Tmlc
The leader column and the report of the ITA's conference (CM, November 261 draws attention to the apparent lack of enthusiasm of transport managers towards education and......
Popular Solution
As members of a local amenity society, associated with the Civic Trust's concern about heavy lorries, the committee of the Charlton Society are naturally interested, like......
Lorries And The Environment
The Council of my Society has good reason for becoming increasingly concerned about "Lorries and the Environment". In your report of the RHA Annual Conference (CM October 29),......
Driver Comfort
During recent weeks, in reading Commerical Motor one can detect a certain amount of anti-foreign propaganda concerning imported heavy goods vehicles. What are the home......