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A S a result of special observations to be made this year by the national stewards, on behalf of the national organizing...
this point. No national title winner can gain the top award in his own vehicle. He can only gain a national class title—which...
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T HE qualities regarded as most desirable in the chairman of a national organization are by no means easy to define. Presumably...
Fishy Warning T HEREBY issue a warning to all the fish in I-Poole, Dorset, area. Watch out! By the end of March, Mr. J. W....
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DRESSURE on Mr. Ernest Marples, Minister of Transport, to set up a public inquiry into the running of London Transport is...
H AVING decided to sponsor appeals against the Merchandise Transport, Ltd., and Arnold Transport, Ltd., decisions by the...
decision of the South Wales Traffic Commissioners to allow fares increases to the South Wales Transport Co., Ltd., and the...
BY OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT EADERS of 170,000 provincial busmen are expected to take a tougher line L-e when they meet next...
FROM OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT TN the Commons last week Mr. Rupert Speir (Tory, Hexham) asked Mr. Marples when he...
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T HE name of Thornycroft will not he lost to road transport operators at home and overseas following the take-over by A.C.V. of...
A POINTER to the possibilities inherent in the proposed LeylandStandard Triumph merger is given by Sir Henry Spurrier,...
A STATEMENT on the latest position relating to capital allowances on the purchase price of transport units on...
Litex refrigerated vehicles, hitherto marketed by Walkers and County Cars, Ltd., Fleet, Hants, haye been taken over by Smith's...
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MR. C. G. KNELLER has been appointed advertisitg and sales promotion manager of the British Division of The Yale and Towne...
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A N appeal by J. S. Stirk and Sons, of Staindrop, near Barnard Castle, against the refusal by the Northern Licensing Authority...
A TRAFFIC examiner of the Ministry of Transport this week admitted that Dent's Transport (Spennymoor). Ltd., of Tudhoe...
'THE second of two applications for express carriage services from the Manchester area to Pwllheli, North Wales, was heard by...
Q UICKER turnround of vehicles will 'lead to a reduction in transport costs; customers would benefit from it. Mr. P. H. R....
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A PPEALING against a decision of the Metropolitan Traffic Commissioners allowing Luton Corporation Transport to run public...
Short-term B Licences T HE decision of the Metropolitan Licensing Authority to grant shortterm B licences to two haulage firms...
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THREE Redwing FT/5 fire appliances have been Ordered by Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Derby, from Carmichael and Sons (VVorcester), Ltd....
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A COLD ROOM has been added to the engine-test laboratory of Simm,s Motor Units, Ltd. Temperatures down to —40° F. can be...
T HE production by J. Bibby and Sons, Ltd., of the new dehydrated potato commodity was behind the application by Ritson's...
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van semi-trailers has been developed by Cranes (Dereham), Ltd. The name Space Van has been adopted, and the semi-trailers—which...
ECAUSE Adam Lythgoe, Ltd., had been unable to supply sufficient work to justify a contract A vehicle being kept at their...
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aA NUMBER of appeals Were dealt with by the Transport Tribunal at a special sitting at Edinburgh last week. A grant to Russell...
'T'HE first local authority in Britain to receive an I American-designed bump integrator, Hampshire County Council,is Using...
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A LFRED BELL, LTD., the Newcastle upon Tyne hauliers and warehousemen, were granted two out of four additional vehicles sought...
. 1- 1 A BLACKPOOL haulier who, after admitting to variouS discrepancies regarding his normal user was still allowed to...
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A S a result of the employment of the most modern equipment and methods by Vitafoam, Ltd., Middleton (near Manchester),...
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Tailboard Loaders V JERTILIFT and Vertiswing are the V names given to two tailboard loaders introduced by the Service...
of mild steelB.S.693 : 1960—is applicable to all forms of structures other than pressure vessels and pressure pipelines. The...
PA now available with the Steno r Weldbelt enable tarpaulins, canvas and P.V.C. sheeting to be repaired. A new 15-page...
commercial vehicle range—the Firestone Cross-Bar. Intended for both goods and passenger vehicles on r.ormal road use, it is...
Road, Hayes. Middlesex. is a new, 24-page illustrated catalogue of the complete range of the company's car and commercial...
B.E.N. Patents, Ltd„ of High Wycombe, Bucks, is increased by the introduction of a new unit, the PD Three. This is a...
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Extensive Daw on Which to Base Highway Standards are Expected to be Made Available This Summer as a Result of an American...
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Facilities for the Storage and Distribution of Customers' Goods, Although Likely to Involve Initial Heavy .Capital Outlay, Can...
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Mr. Hanlon Criticizing System, Not the Tribunal T HE Northern Licensing Authority, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, recently made it clear...
THE big news Juts, of course, been .1 the Transport Tribunal's decisions in favour of C-licence-w-A . and Contract-to-A...
of the Licensing Authorities, including Mr. S. W. Nelson in the Western Area, and Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon in the North, that...
their representatives are furnished :with their licence certificates.. Sir 'Hubert Hull has again said that he regardsthem as...
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A NEW company. Hoesch Argentina S.A. Commercial y Industrial, has been formed in the Argentine for the production of vehicle...
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by John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. Additional Mechanical Complication Need Not Necessarily Lead to More Involved Maintenance...
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Political Commentary By JANUS H AVING issued a White Paper on the nationalized transport undertakings, the Minister of...
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Efficiency—London Conference Views ‘4 E are only just starting the task of finding more economical and effective means, and a...
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Long-wheelbase Tippers : All Parties Must Co-operate A T last the question of large-capacity long-wheelbase tippers has been...
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The Interrelation of Costs A N adequate costing system is a basic essential to the economic operation of a fleet of commercial...
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Redesigned Staffa: Motors Incorporated in Larger Capacity Mixers EDESIGNED Staffa hydraulic motors are incorporated in the...
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A SUSPENSION system for tandem in. rear axles forms the subject of patent No. 857,554. It is claimed that the system will...
of torsional flexibility are claimed for an improved propeller shaft shown in patent No. 857,420. (Layeock Engineering, Ltd.,...