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Tribunal Refuse B Variation
A N appeal by J. S. Stirk and Sons, of Staindrop, near Barnard Castle, against the refusal by the Northern Licensing Authority to vary the conditions of their B licence, was......
Examiner Gave Dent's "full Heat Treatment"
A TRAFFIC examiner of the Ministry of Transport this week admitted that Dent's Transport (Spennymoor). Ltd., of Tudhoe Colliery, Co. Durham, had been given the "full heat......
The Queue For Butlin's Traffic
'THE second of two applications for express carriage services from the Manchester area to Pwllheli, North Wales, was heard by the North Western Traffic Commissioners at......
Faster Turnround Aids .customer, Too
Q UICKER turnround of vehicles will 'lead to a reduction in transport costs; customers would benefit from it. Mr. P. H. R. Turner, chairman of the Metropolitan and South Eastern......