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R EPORTS for the past financial year published so far have shown a slight change for the better in the fortunes of municipal...
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O NE of the factors in modern commercial development has for some time been what is termed the "incentive bonus." As the term...
20,000 Coach Outings T HE private contract work of London Transport is a section of the commercial department and is not...
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That if your vehicle needs a "doctor," you may. Of Gecalloy permanent magnets produced by powder metallurgy. That Halls' "Ye...
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FORTIFIED by the report of the Road Haulage Association on the requirements of free-enterprise hauliers in transport units, the...
U NLESS some contract-carriage operators in the Midlands brought themselves within the law, they would be prosecuted, said ,Mr....
D EGULATIONS prescribing the IN. application forms to be used by buyers of transport units in applying for special five-year A...
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PrHERE is a fear among removers I holding B-licences in the Metropolitan Area that when Section 125 of the Transport Act, 1947,...
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MR. H. W. Itivitiu, chief engineer of Champion Sparking Plug Co., Ltd., has been appointed a director. MR. STANLEY S. DAWES...
L AY-BYS may not be used by lorry La drivers who Want to sleep, according to a statement by Police Superintendent W. G....
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F ARES may have to be increased in the autumn, said Mr. R.• P. Beddow, chairman of Southdown Motor Services, Ltd., at the...
offence described in the informttion and conviction was not known to the law, an appeal against a conviction by Pwllheli...
A CLAIM by the Transport sand General Workers' Union for rates of pay and conditions of service as set out in an agreement...
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G OOD public relations did much to obviate apprehension and misunderstandin g about fare increases amon g passen g ers and...
a review of commercial conditions in Japan at 4s. 6d. * The user discount hitherto allowed only on new car and giant • tyres...
H ARTLEPOOL is bein g recommended to enter into an a g reement with a private concern to operate a bus service between...
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A MEMORANDUM on balancing charges, a matter raised by the road transport section, was submitted last week to the council of...
A NEW crash tender of a type now being supplied in large numbers to the Air Ministry is to be shown at the Royal Air Force...
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A STATEMENT by East Yorkshire ti Motor Services, Ltd., announcing that no interim dividend will be paid this year, blames the...
THE Northern Ireland Court of I Appeal last week unanimously decided that Section 18 of the Ulster Transport Act, 1948, was...
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B Y linking telephone exchanges to short-wave radio stations spaced along the main roads and railway tracks, the German Post...
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Sir Reginald Wilson's Plea at Institute of Transport Congress: Strong Demand for Better Roads p UBLIC transport suffered more...
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By Laurence J. Cotton, Y employing a 100 b.h.p. overhead-valve petrol engine in "place of the former fourcylindered...
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" THE attitude of the Minister of 1 Transport in refusing to raise the speed limit for heavy goods vehicles from 20 m.p.h. to...
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W HEN Parliament discusses the latest report of the British Transport Commission, it will be interesting to see whether Members...
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In Five Years the British Commercial Vehicle Industry has Developed Specialized Oilfield Equipment which is Now Used in...
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THE road test of the Meadows oil-engined Bedford 5-tonner, a report of which appeared in The Commercial Motor on February 20,...
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Traffic Disclosures Unwelcome IT is hoped that the "Sounding Board" will modulate I the key used by " Janus " in your issue of...
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By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. Coach Operator Combines Skilled Servicing of His Customers' Cars with Extended-tour...
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testing cable installations up to 33kV anywhere in Britain has been placed in service by Crompton Parkinson, Ltd. It consists...
giving its readers the latest news, the Newcastle Journal has placed in service a mobile press for printing stop-press news at...
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Two Out of Three Appeal Decisions Unfavourable to Road Operators 0 N an appeal by the Railway Executive, the Minister of....
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An Examination of the Question Whether Increased Revenue Gained by Exceeding the Rated Capacity of a Lorry is Offset by Higher...
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P ATENT No. 692,528 shows a differential gear which functions normally under ordinary road conditions, but which will resist...