10th July 1953, Page 28
10th July 1953
Page 28

Page 28, 10th July 1953
Public Respond To Plain Facts
G OOD public relations did much to obviate apprehension and misunderstandin g about fare increases amon g passen g ers and local authorities, said the chairman, Mr. R. P.......
In A Line Or Two The Stationery Office Has Published
a review of commercial conditions in Japan at 4s. 6d. * The user discount hitherto allowed only on new car and giant • tyres has been extended to retreads. A repeat order for......
Hartlepool Pact With Company
H ARTLEPOOL is bein g recommended to enter into an a g reement with a private concern to operate a bus service between Hartlepool and West Hartlepool. It is proposed to use four......