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by Karen Miles • Hauliers are likely to be working under a tougher enforcement regime when the Government introduces its...
• Nationwide police computer vehicle checks at ports could soon be a reality after a threemonth trial at Dover led to the...
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by Brendan Nolan and Karen Miles • Hundreds of hauliers are bracing themselves for losses of up to .17m following the final...
• Bell Lines' banker, Allied Irish Bank, has bounced a "guaranteed" £8,000 cheque paid last week to Newport haulier Bevan &...
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by Michael Jewell • Drivers who use their tractive units to drive home at the end of the working day must comply with...
• The granting of interim authority to a Sheffield company on the strength of a single bank statement has been attacked by the...
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• Russia's Prime Minister is due to meet the President of the European Commission next week to discuss the transit problems...
• Rail freight's brightest star has been found to have operated in a way which contributed to a freight train accident earlier...
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by David Craik III Hauliers should be exempt from paying tolls to enter Edinburgh when they are introduced in the next...
• Truck drivers could face roadside drug checks after Government research revealed a 400 0 , increase in illegal drug taking...
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by Charles Young III Supporters of gas as an alternative fuel welcomed last week's Budget, in which the price gap between...
• Vauxhall will launch a new Astra hatchback at this September's Frankfurt Show, probably followed by van ver sions of this and...
• One of the first new Leyland Daf FIG 95.480 XF twin-steer tractive units sold into Norfolk has gone to Beccles ownerdriver...
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been warned that if their vehicle maintenance is not in order in six months' time their licence will be on the line. The...
• The defence costs of Hertsbased Bradmill Meat are to be paid out of public funds after Epping magistrates cleared the company...
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• Dalmellington, Ayrshire-based haulier Alexander Anderson has been given a final warning by Scottish Traffic Commissioner...
• North Western Deputy Traffic Commissioner Patrick Mulvenna has decided that he is unable to take any action against a licence...
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A plea for help ' know that you are already aware that my partner, John Mills, an Enfield lorry driver, has been in prison in...
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recent years laying so many fine family firms low, it is a pleasure to learn of an operator celebrating its centenary and...
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I t's official—twins are no longer a rarity. In the US alone, 120 pairs of identical siblings are born every day as a result of...
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VW has decided to leave ABS and traction control to the option list (at a cost of .C751) which almost accounts for the £930...
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they fulfil Neil Kinnock's dream of cutting 400,000 truck journeys a year? S uch is the road haulage industry's advantage over...
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of Kent Link Transport that also holds true for success. Unlike many hauliers, Kent Link has a policy of concentrating on its...
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% A O mania 01 6 91' 656911 F rom a mobile fruit and vegetable shop in 1972, to a temperature-controlled storage and...
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new trucks? A n air of optimism pervades. The election has produced a stable Government; house prices are rising; handouts...
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A s far as Joe Public is concerned, the advance of the all-consuming road building programme is in overdrive and can seldom...
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C ompetition is an essential part of business life—it pushes us all along the road to better service and greater achievement....
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A new Government, another roads review. For the fourth time in as many years the national roads programme is to be reviewed....