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450km limit anomalies exposed by nationwide survey iN ANNUAL cost to the counry of some £300m would reult from implementation...
PLANS (or the provision of a break-bulk depot on the outskirts of Chichester and delivery into the city by small...
lp to 22,000 suits can be carried in this van semi-trailer built by lorthumberland Metal Industries Ltd for Montague Burton's...
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THE number of vehicles on Britain's roads will continue to grow, Mr Anthony Crosland, Secretary of State for the Environment,...
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RAPID downturn in the tulage industry over the past ic months meant that the oubled London-based corniny Roadships Ltd now had...
K. A. Beresford, who was i-elected as chairman of the ransport Association at its gm in London on Tuesday, - iallenged the...
MORE than one-third of the vehicles carrying explosive or inflammable loads through the Thames tunnels are potential "bombs"...
THE Environment Department now has a clearer picture of the rural transport problems Which face local authorities in exercising...
Leicester MR Geoffrey Hilditch, since last year director of engineering and development for the West Yorkshire PTE, has been...
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pallet by CM reporter DISTRIBUTION and transport managers engaged in the grocery trade are becoming increasingly worried by the...
There is no road transport legislation which creates a greal sense of injustice among operators than that affecti vehicle...
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by John Darker A BID to get organisation and co-operation between hauliers and forwarding agents operating on Middle East...
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THE difference in length between EEC limits on lorries and those in this countryabout 20 inches-was not critical, said Dr John...
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Demonstration for CM reveals worrying directional variations by CM reporter DIFFERENCES 'in printed-out axle weights produced...
WITH 145 competitors the Manches1cr CMLDoY contest last Sunday showed an increase of participants of 23 per cent over 1974....
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CM reporter E have been receiving such conflicting information about rmits for haulage vehicles to pass through Lebanon after...
A COMBINED sea and land roll on roll off service offering through rates from Felixstowe and Rotterdam to inland destinations in...
OBJECTIONS to four new hauliers applying to the North Western Licensing Authority for operators' licences were withdrawn by the...
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A FIFE lorry driver who was sacked after refusing to do overtime was unfairly dismissed, an industrial tribunal decided last...
AN unfair dismissal claim by a lorry driver was adjourned at the Manchester Industrial Tribunal because the man did not appear...
A 100,000 mile, or 12 mc guarantee forms part of a 5 package being offered by tributor Lex Tillotson for Leyland Buffalo 32-ton...
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Dr coach disaster ,TY BRAKES caused the as Bridge coach crash in 32 daytrippers were . This was the conclusion ed by an inquest...
AN EXPERIMENTAL mini bus service to be run in Norfolk has been welcomed by Mr Neil Carmichael, Under Secretary at the...
YORKSHIRE Traffic Cornhave authorised fare ins averaging 20 per cent for all stage carriage bus ser in Yorkshire from o r. The...
SUSSEX County Couns bought two midibuses eat them to Eastbourne gh transport department ler to support its dial - aTeration....
The first of a fleet of 12 special coaches designed for touring the Devon moors has just been delivered to National Travel's...
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SOUTH Yorkshire PTE have introduced a new design of bus step to help the disabled. They were acting on recommendations from the...
YOUNG single recruits fror provinces will be put up in by London Transport if the; work at Victoria, Holl , Cricklewood or...
EAST Yorkshire Motor Services are seeking fare increases on their routes serving rural areas of North Humberside. The...
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VICE RELIABILITY has improved on London sport's E3 route in Ealing result of a bus demonion project carried out by )epartment...
BRITAX is investigating the adaption of its approved safety seat belt to fit coach seats. The company is already discussing...
A SHORT COURSE dealing with the responsibilities of Local Government for Public Transport is being held on September 16, 17 at...
BUS LANE projects must be tailor-made to meet local needs and circumstances, insists the Planning and Transportation Committee...
CRACKS in the side panels of 15 five-year-old single-deck Daimler Fleetlines have caused them to be withdrawn from service by...
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A VOLUNTARY scheme of safety markings for road tankers carrying dangerous chemicals was launched throughout the country last...
A PROTOTYPE ground-loading body has been delivered by Freight Bonallack Ltd to a Humberside waste-paper converting company. The...
A NEW publication to operators sort out the corn tangle of overseas vehicle is due out later this monl It has been designed by...
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:IGHT SAVINGS of up to kg .(4cwt) have been med for insulated semiler vans that have recently service with Kinloch vision...
RIALIFICATION which could it towards a transport • ager's licence if this becomes eatory will 'be provided by a course on...
EXCEPT on subjects where there is a deep division along party lines or for reasons of conscience, the 'decisions of Parliament...
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Dutch and British experience—and suggestion that the EEC may replac driving limits by working hours rule DUTCH HAULIERS...
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I thought this country was taking exports seriously. If not, it's surely about time that we did. When National Carriers...
Other customs, however, do indeed change—to judge from experiences on "the other side" during the NCL visit. For example,...
Just when EEC members are trying to get rid of the restrictive 450km limit, I see that there is a suggestion that a distance...
Here's an advance warning for you and your friends to remember when the trade dinner season comes round again. A friend...
The use of short-range communications radio in trucks as a means of warning fellow drivers of police traps and weight checks...
Nice to report a success story in these gloomy days for industry. Pengco managing director David Allen is the happy man who can...
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Purpose-built warehousing to serve a fast-expanding new area of business by John Darker Photographs by Dick Ross TESCO'S...
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by Les Oldridge, TEng (CEO, MIMI, AM1RTE An interesting case concerning a tower wagon was heard before the Queen's Bench...
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going through Parliament. What will the effect of this legislation he when it becomes law? Although the police at present have...
have been used only a . few times because drivers have stayed with my company for a short time and then left. Ant I allowed to...
into force from January 1, 1976. The new law that I am referring to is the one stating that lorry drivers can drive only for a...
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Forwarding agents are accused of encouraging cowboys, but hauliers are accused of incompetence by lain Sherriff DISH...
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Specialising in clothing transport, where delivery periods are short and unit costs are tightly controlled, a haulage company...
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ccess to premises is still not given the importance it merits nd new influences are now at work IS illogical that transport...
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Hugh Featherstone, director-general of the Freight Transport Association, talks to Brian Cottee about haulage standards, the...
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fare dodging by Gordon Murra; Leeds operational research seminar discusses bus season tickets, marketing, bus location systems...
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Accurate weighing of incoming and outgoing vehicles on a 50ft weighbridge enables a Midlands canning company to eliminate...
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Although I doubt whether anything I could say would influence Mr Harvey (CM June 27) it is with fanatical pro-rail views like...
It would be difficult to fault the facts given in "Hours dilemma faces new Minister" (CM, June 20). However, there is a danger...
The Institute of Purchasing and Supply, I would suggest, is a fairly "junior service" as far as professional bodies are...
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/HEN far-reaching industrial :gislation is introduced there is natural tendency for small emloyers to assume that onerous e les...