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Overloading Gets An Airing
Dutch and British experience—and suggestion that the EEC may replac driving limits by working hours rule DUTCH HAULIERS habitually overloaded by as much as 25 per cent and the......
Old Customs Die Hard
I thought this country was taking exports seriously. If not, it's surely about time that we did. When National Carriers organised a press trip to the Continent a couple of weeks......
Ooh, La La
Other customs, however, do indeed change—to judge from experiences on "the other side" during the NCL visit. For example, Rouen nightlife appears to have become very......
Americans By The Mile ?
Just when EEC members are trying to get rid of the restrictive 450km limit, I see that there is a suggestion that a distance limit could be imposed on freight operators in the......
Heat Warning
Here's an advance warning for you and your friends to remember when the trade dinner season comes round again. A friend recently saw a fellow diner suffer a particularly nasty......
Radio Convoys
The use of short-range communications radio in trucks as a means of warning fellow drivers of police traps and weight checks has long been a sore point in the US. According to......
Peterborough Peak
Nice to report a success story in these gloomy days for industry. Pengco managing director David Allen is the happy man who can cheerfully report that his demountable business......