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S TARTLING disclosures have been made concerning the treatment meted out to hauliers by officers in charge of transport at...
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nNE of the most thankless and onerous tasks in emergency road transport is that of the group organizer. He is presumed to be...
Accidents to Walkers ESPITE the black-out, in the Black-out Easy La' there seem to be more to Explain people walking in the...
FNURING the war of 1914-18 the production of commercial vehicles for normal requirements practically ceased, the whole of the...
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That Wolverhampton has 1,250 vehicles registered for A.R.P. service. That this is equal to one vehicle per 114 (approx.) head...
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A.R.O. FORMULATES TRAFFICCLEARING DEPART1VIENT. T HE A.R.O. head office is perturbed at reports reaching it from various...
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Road Charges A RECOMMENDATION that mini,tt mum road-haulage rates shall be established nationally, by the adoption of railway...
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By Our Special Parliamentary Correspondent EXTRAVAGANCE IN VEHICLE IMPRESSMENT..' A A S Secretary Of State for War, Mr, 1 - 1...
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By A. MARENBON, A.M.Inst.T., A.I.T.A. T HIS is a time of national emergency and to conserve fuel a method of road-rail...
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Models Ranging from 11 to 6formers. Diagonally Braced Frames, LockheedGirling Brakes, Hypoid Rear. Axles L ONG awaited, the...
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Disgraceful State of Affairs Disclosed at London Meeting of Hauliers. Action Against the Crown Possible EITERATED cries of...
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OMEN have many parts to play in the present conflict. The tasks that they are undertaking are a vital part in the nation's...
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R EPORTS of seven tests made in normal service with a MorrisCommercial 30-cwt. lorry, powered by a 15.9 h,p. engine and running...
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T HE imposition of severe restrictions on the consumption of those liquid fuels normally used in ..internal-combustion engines...
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D ESIGNED to run on oil fuel, petrol, butane, or producer or natural gas, a new engine has been introduced by the Waukesha...
4ANY road vehicles are not yet cornIV/plying with the restrictions on lighting contained in the Lighting ' (Restrictions) Order...
A S useful as is a portable electric drill in normal times, its sphere of operation is much wider to-day. Should an operator be...
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A Letter Strongly Criticising the Employment of Producer Gas is Replied to by Several Well-known Makers and Others interested...
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O FTEN enough in the past the voices of the industry's leaders have asked " What is the future of road transport? " In time of...
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Low-priced Vehicle with Greenwood and Iperen Body and Bedford 12 -c-wt. Chassis, Named the "Four six U tility " K NOWN as the...
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TRANSPORT HEALTH OF LONDON BUSMEN T HE final report of the committee of inquiry, set up after the bus, strike of 1937, which...
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R UST between the leaves of a laminated spring is prevented by a simple method of excluding water shown in patent No. 512,529...