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T HE Commercial Vehicle Show (the fifth of the dynasty, by the way) opens at Olympia, London, on Friday next, and, from what we...
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Of a glut of small coaches on the market. Of notable absentees from this year's Show. The question—" Is the child a full...
A severe cross-examination was taking place in El. school for conductors at one of the omnibus corapany'n garages. The examiner...
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The wheel of wealth wild be slowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is bh • the...
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A Combination of Talents Produces an Entirely New Type of Commercial Vehicle. E have, on more than one occasion recently, •...
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Tendencies in German Lorry Design Run Towards Ample Strength. The Popular Three-wheeled Light Van. BERLIN, September 28t1t....
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A Comprehensive Display of Petrol, Electric, and Steam Vehicles. IT WAS not until the first Saturday of the month that an...
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Particularly Addressed to Those Who are Replacing Horsed Vehicles by Motors, or Contemplating So Doing. E VERY commercial...
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Stand No, 33. A BARTLE bus body will he.shown mounted on the X-type Thornycroft chassis, and this is a vehicle which is...
Stand No. SS. E ILLUSTRATE on this page the only body, which is of the open type, to be shown by Bonallack and Sons, St....
Stand No. 9. B AYLEYS, LTD., of Newington Causeway, London, S.E., have had considerable experience in the maim*• lure of all...
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, Stand No 94: N THE occasion of this years Show the Bristol' Aeroplane Co., Ltd., will take the opportunity of displaying, on...
Stand No. 63. T WO EXAMPLES of coachwork;a single-deck omnibus and a 20seater char-a-basics, are to be exhibited on this...
Stand No. 87. T WO complete vehicles will be shown on the stand of this company, the third exhibit, being an independent body....
T HE Chelsea Motor Building Co., 164, Kings Road, Chelsea, London, S.W., have had considerable experience in the manufacture of...
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Stand Wo. 16. rr HE most interestin g exhibit on the stand of Christopher Dodson, Ltd., Cobbold Road, Willesden, London, N.W.,...
Stand No. 30. E. and H. HORA, LTD., have had considerable experience. in commercial vehicle bodywork, and examples of their...
Stand No. 83, T HREE bodies from the works of 3. Liversid g e and Son, Ltd., 561, Old Kent Road, London, SE., are to be shown...
Stand No. •13. • L OMS MAFFR•E and Co.; 6, St. John's Place, Chiswick, London, W., are specialists in commercial travellers'...
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Stand. No. SO. A BOX van body, a tilt van body, each of 30 cwt. capacity, and a light van body, suitable for Ford and other...
Stand No. 71. THERE are many types of con" vertible bodies on the market, but we cannot call to mind one instance where seven....
Stand No. 19. 'T'HE 1=dg of the 30-Seater single'. deck omnibus to be shown on Stand No. 10 by Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd.,...
Stand No: 39., S TRACHAN and . Brown, Lid., 14, Leonard Place, Kensington, London, W.., will be showing on Stand No. 39 a 20...
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Stand No. 27., T HE type of bodywork produced by W. and F. Thorn, Ltd., will be displayed on three individual machines on this...
Stand No. 40. fl A BODY which is bound to command the attention of all those interested in motorbus operation is that which...
T WO vehicles will form the exhibit of this company, these tieing a convertible " chara-lorry " to seat 14 passengers on a 1...
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Trailer building is essentially a ipecialist's jab, and Several concerns, who have built up worthy reputations, have set...
Stand No. '98 A N interesting • type of American eight-wheeled trailer will be staged on the stand occupied by F. Aitken, this...
Stand No. 41 C ARRIAiOR,E steel trailers need no introduction to commercial vehicle users, for the products of Carrosserie...
Stand NO. 8 E AGLE TRAILERS, the product of the Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd„ are built for, hard service„ and their five...
Stand No. 93 F RY BROS., Ltd., of Norman Road, Greenwich, London, SE., will be showing on Stand No. 93 a 3 ton Stelfast...
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Management Principles and Policy—Essen Modernizing Mainlenar es—Keeping Track of Operating Costs-How to Get Results. By...
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A Show-Time Production Which Should Help in the Carrying Out of the Principles Enunciated in the Foregoing Article. , T HE...
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Types of Passenger Vehicles—A Remarkable Hydraulic Loading Device—Catering for the Country Carrier —Meeting Municipal,...
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A Varied and Extensive Display of British and Foreign Steam, Petrol, and Electric Vehicles Suitable for all Purposes and for...
Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd., Scotstoun, Glasgow. Stand No. 49. A MOST comprehensive exhibit will be staged by the Albion Motor...
Associated Equipment Co., Ltd„ Black. horse Lane, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Stand No.. 84: 'F PHIS will be a striking...
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Atkinson and Co., Frenchwood Works, Preston. Stand No. - 44. T ETE 6 ton wagon which will be shown by Atkinson and Go. will...
• J. C. Fell, Ltd., Oxford Engineering Works, Ashtomunder-Lyne. Stand No, 36. T HE British concessionnaires for the Autocar...
Baize Patents, Ltd., 115, Fulham Road, London, S.W. Stand No. 96. T HE Baico chassis is too well known to necessitate any...
Beardmore and Co., Ltd., 112, Great Portland Street, London, W. Stand No. 79. T HE Beardmore exhibits will consist of a 15...
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L. C. Rawlence and Co., Ltd.., • 40, Sackville Street, London, W. Stand No, 59. T HE BERLIET exhibits will 'consist of five...
G. Burford and Co., Ltd., 16, Regent Street, London, W. Stand No. 86. (See page 285.) Bristol. Bristol Tramways and Carriage...
W. Rodda and CO., 59.60, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. Stand No. 99. A N interesting newcomer to the Show this year will be a...
Caledon Motors, Ltd., 98, Dike Street. Glasgow. Stand No. 34. T IAREE -vehicles will eomprisethe Show models of Caledon...
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General Motors, Ltd., Thurloe Place, London, S.W. Stand No. 21. G ENERAL MOTORS, LTD., of Thin-be Place, London SW:, intend...
Clarkson Steam Motors, Mou'sham Works, Chelmsford. Stand No. 32. (See page 285.) Citroen. Gaston, Ltd., 212-214. Great...
.Clayton Wagons, Ltd., Titanic Works, Lincoln. • Stand No. 20. T HE Clayton exhibit, will consist of two steam wagons of...
Clement.Talbot, Ltd., Barlby Road, London, W. Stand No.113, A VERY neat and well-constructed motor coach, with accommodation...
Cubitt Engineering Co., Ltd., 56, Conduit Street, London, W. Stand No. 30. (See page 285.) Commer Car Commercial Cars,,...
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Daimler Co., Ltd., Daimler Works, Coventry. Stand NO, 60. T HE Dahnier Co. will stage on Stand No. 60 four complete vehicles,...
Dennis • Brothers, Ltd., Woodbridge Works, Guildford. Stand. No, 50. T HE visitor to Stand No. 50 will find a . fine...
Fodens, Ltd., Elworth Works, Sandbach. Stand No, 45. T HE Foden wagorr is one of the best known in the world, and thousands...
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De Dionatouton, Ltd., Woodside Works, North Finchley, London. Stand No. 51. D E DION-BOUTON vehicles will be well represented...
British Automotive Products Co., Ltd., 19.21, Great Portland Street, London, W. Stand No, 4. A PART from two Dodge exhibits...
Fiat Motors, Ltd. 43, Albemarle Street, London, W. Stand No. 48. (See page 285.) F.W:D. Four-wheel Drive Lorry Co., Ltd.,...
Willys.Overland, Crossley, Ltd., Heaton Chapel, Stockport. Stand No. 91. PRE three models to be shown by Willys-Overland,...
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Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston Works, Leiston. Stand No. 75. T HERE will be five exhibits on this stand, including...
Wallace (Glasgow), Ltd., 20, Conduit Street, London, W. Stand No. 110. (See page 285.) G.N. G.N. Motors, Ltd., East Hill,...
Guy Motors, Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. Stand No, 85. U Pto the time of going to press we had not been able to sea...
J. and E. Hall, Ltd., 10, St. Swiftin's Lane, London, E.C. Stand No, 57. F IVE vehicles in all will be exhibited by J. and E....
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Halley's Industrial Motors, Ltd., Yoker, Glasgow. Stand No. 46. B 0TH chain-driven and worm-driven machines will be exhibited...
International Harvester Co. (of Great Britain), Ltd., 80, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C. Stand No. 81. THERE will be five...
Karrier Motors, Ltd., Karrier Works, . Huddersfield. Stand No. 61. T HE Karrier exhibits will, for the I first time. for...
Laflly (England) Co., 14, Addison Avenue, London, W. • Stand No. 72. (See page 285.) Leyland. Leyland Motors, Ltd.,...
'Mann's Patent Steam Cart and Wagon. Co., Ltd., Ihnslet, Leeds. Stand No. 42. O NLY one vehicle will be shown by the Mann...
Maudslay Motor Co., Ltd., Coventry. Stand No. 56. T HE chief feature of interest on the Maudslay .stand will be the new...
McCurd Lorry Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 71, Southampton Row, London, W.C. Stand No. 22. T HE only exhibit which will be staged...
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Newton 'Brothers (Derby), Ltd., ,Market Place, Derby. Stand' No. 54. THE Newton 'electric is, compara tively, a newcomer into...
General Motors, Ltd., 1.4,"Tharloe, Place, London, S.W. Stand No.21. (See "Chevrolet.") Orwell. Ransomes, Sims and...
Willys-Overland, Crossley, Ltd., Heaten Chapel, Stockport. Stand No. 91. (See "Garbed.") Panhard. Panhard and Levassor, 14,...
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Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Page. • field Works, Wigan. Stand No. 23'. T WO types of Pagefield vehicles will be 'shown by...
Renault, Ltd., Seagrave Road, Fulham, London, S.W. Stand No. 77. (See page 285.) . Republic. Republic Trucks, Ltd., 79.-82,...
Snorer Commercial Vehicle Co., Ltd., 21, Augustus Street, London, N.W. Stand No. 89. T HE Saurer chassis is one. of the most...
Scammell and Nephew, Ltd., Fashion Street, London, E. Stand No. 76. I T . is rather doubtful which of the two vehicles to be...
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Messrs. Seabrook Bros., 57, Great taetern Street, London, E.G. Stand No. 53. XHIBITED on this stand will be 1:4 a Seabrook...
Gaston, Ltd., 212-214, Great Portland Street, London, W. Stand No, 18. (See"Citroen.") Sentinel. Sentinel Waggon Works...
Sheffield-Simplex, Ltd., 20, Conduit Street, London, W.I. Stand No. 199. A FTER the Armistice the Sheffield Simplex Co....
Star Engineering Co., Ltd. Frederick Street, Wolverhampton. Stand No. 25. MITE Star Engineering Co., Ltd., are 1 exhibiting...
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Straker-Squire, Ltd., Angel Road Works, Edmonton, London, N.I8. Stand No. 47. r i LD-ESTABLISHED in the commercial vehicle...
Melchior, Armstrong and Dessau (Lon. don), Ltd., 14, Great Marlborough Street, London, W. Stand No. 95. T WO models comprise...
Tasker and Sons, Ltd., Waterloo Iron . works, Andover.. Stand No. 65. A LITTLE GIANT' steam wagon, of the 5 ton size, on...
John I. Thvrnycrott and Co., Ltd., Basingstoke. Stand No. 58. T FIE lour exhibits which . Messrs. John J. Thornyeroft and...
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Tilling-Stevens Motors, Ltd., Victoria Works, Maidstone. Stand No. 52. T HE petrol-electric vehicle is proving very popular...
North-Western Motors, Ltd., 35, Norton Street, Liverpool. Stand No. 17. T HE three Traffic vehicles to be shown by...
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Unic Motors, Ltd., 18, Brewer Street, Buckingham Palace Road, London, S.W. Stand No. 82. (See page 285.) Vinot. Vinot Cars,...
W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., Acton Vale, London, W. Stand No. 64. S OME very interesting exhibits are being prepared by W. and G....
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Whiting, Ltd., 334.340, Euston Road, London, N.W. Stand No. 24. T HE Whiting exhibits will be very comprehensive. They will...
Yorkshire Commercial Motor Co., Vulcan Works, Hunslet, Leeds. Stand No. 10. VFW people fail ta recognize a York'. shire wagon...
Owing to the fact that the exhibits to be shown by several manufacturers were. not available for our inspection when we were...
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A Vehicle with Much Originality in Its Design is Altered in a Few of Its Features. MEE 1922 A type Straker-Squire chas sis,...
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Mr. Percy Frost-Smith States His Intention of Remaining Faithful to this Type of Transmission, in the Development uf which He...
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The Latest Doings and Developments in the Bus and Coach World. 16 Years of Motor Coaching, A Yorkshire Coach Owner's...
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Advantages to Our Fdod Crops that, are Only Obtainable from the Use of the Agrimotor. T HE benefits of late summer or early...
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• The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should' be on one side...
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A Page for Drivers, Mechanics and Foremen. Repairing a Water-circulating Pump. The sender of the following communication lbws...
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A Résumé of Recently Published Patents. A. four-wheel drive tractor of unusual design has been patented by F.I.A.T. of Turin....