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• Strachan And Brown, Ltd.
Stand No: 39., S TRACHAN and . Brown, Lid., 14, Leonard Place, Kensington, London, W.., will be showing on Stand No. 39 a 20 1 seater body mounted on a Republic chassis, and a......
W. And F. Thorn, Ltd.
Stand No. 27., T HE type of bodywork produced by W. and F. Thorn, Ltd., will be displayed on three individual machines on this company's stand, these being a 15 cwt. Dodge......
United Automobile Services, Ltd.
Stand No. 40. fl A BODY which is bound to command the attention of all those interested in motorbus operation is that which will be. shown on the stand of United Automobile......
Willowbrook Motor Co.
T WO vehicles will form the exhibit of this company, these tieing a convertible " chara-lorry " to seat 14 passengers on a 1 ton G.M.C. chassis, and a convertible "bus van"......