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VAGE NEGOTIATIONS in North-west England will take place gainst a background of a 17 per cent drop in local operators' arrymg...
And in tones calculated to send shivers down operators' backs, he added: "That would be a bureaucratic nightmare to rival even...
NATIONAL CARRIERS management was still counting the cost of its loss of British Rail's express parcels contract as we closed...
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BRITISH RAIL will have to provide as high a standard of service as road transport if it is to gain a larger share of the...
CONSOLIDATEDnet operating profit of Thomas Nationwide Transport for the year to June 30 was £19.8m — an increase of 12 per cent...
FORD has never been satisfied with the sales figures of the H-Series Transcontinentals, but there is no lack of confidence in...
FERRYMASTERS is to close its facilities at Desborough and Southampton and has announced redundancies at these and other...
SHELVOKE and Drewry loc like being the latest victim of t recession as the company cc siders laying off about 35 of 1,000...
NATIONAL CARRIERS have er tered the commercial garag business with the launching laE Friday of their Fleetcare service This is...
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'HE GOVERNMENT's plans to hive off all est stations to private enterprise will be vorst kind, according to the Institute of 91...
of oTA members was unanimous n its opposition to the scheme. 'The kindest description of the )roposals is that their...
SCOTTISH Road Services are widening the market of the Dumfries engineering centre by offering tachograph calibration and lpg...
TWO CORY Distribution depot are the latest victims of the rE cession and will be closed b early next year. The Newcastle upon...
INTERNATIONAL Harvester last week moved a step closer to sealing its partnership with ENASA, the Spanish builder of Pegaso...
THE BRISTOL-based Peter Lar Group has bought A. Smi Transport Ltd's West Midlan{ depot at Smethwick, and offering casual• hire,...
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OPERATORS may again face hold-ups on Britain's roads due to the following road works: Northern England: M1/M18. There are still...
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CAST Containers are taking over 20 Seatrain offices in Europe and North America. Bermuda-based Eurocanadian Shipholdings Ltd,...
THE PRINCIPLE of road KR lent tariff (RET) on Scottish ries has become bogged di by a confused discussion at the detail,...
FOLLOWING a routine check Tankhill Road, Purfleet, EssE an operator has been fined £1 and the driver of the vehicle £E On May...
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A NORWICH international haulier has had its 0-licence suspended for three and a half months, after the Eastern Deputy Licensing...
HEAVIER lorries should not come to London until the Greater London Council is assured that they will be more environmentally...
CAVENDISII Transport Services Ltd chairman and managing director Gideon Fiegel was installed last weekend as chairman of the...
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JELL-WESSEX Ltd, the Yeovil-based manufacturers of agricultural id industrial equipment, has come up with an idea to make loadg...
NEW BRAND of synthesised motor oil is now being marketed by le Mobil Oil Company Ltd. Conventionally, motor oil beMobil 1 is...
THE RANGE of management in formation available to vehick operators is being extended thil week by Lucas Kienzle. A...
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JECO has finally capitulated and turbocharged two of its engines, ne Magirus the other Unic, reports STEVE GRAY. The aircooled...
"0 KEEP UP with the increasing lemand for ancillary power inits on trucks, Edbra of Bolton las added two new gear pumps o its...
AN INSTALLATION of pneumatically operated mobile column lifts has recently been completed for Magirus Deutz main dealer, Trucks...
Fuel pinch GENERAL MOTORS will bi selling its Detroit Diesel "fue Pincher" power unit fo European applications. It already...
YORK Truck Equipment ht started a factory exchanc scheme for Big D fifth-whe couplers. They are availab from all York branches...
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IE turbocharged version of the Bedford Blue Series engine is now ailable as a commercial power unit. Previously for military...
A MODIFIED version of the Ley land Roadtrain will be exhibitec by Ogle Design Ltd at the Moto Show at the National Exhibitiol...
THE FIRST of Airscrew Howden's new lightweight range of mixedflow engine-cooling fans has completed its development programme...
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WHILE most of the entrepreneurial activity in the passenger transport business following the Act has concerned express...
AN 18-MONTH-old Perth firn has started a regular Dundee London coach service for £9.51 single. A spokesman for G.T. Coache...
GASTONIA Coaches of Cran leigh, Surrey, has started its long-proposed commuter service into London. It has been on the drawing...
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3URREY independent Tillingmurne Bus will be one of the irst customers for a new nedium-weight Dennis singlelecker, the Lancet....
PUBLIC TRANSPORT subsid are wasteful and counter-p ductive and help no one in 1 long run, according to Grea London Council...
SELF-CHANGING-GEARS Ltd i offering its oil-actuated epicycli Wilson-type gearbox to all bu builders. To be known as the GB40C...
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education Irwin 'ERATORS must educate both public and Government about the my advantages to be gained from an efficiently...
ELEGATES at the CPT conference heard about the fall and rise of iblic transport in the USA, when New York public transport boss...
THE Metropolitan Police has made arrangements for coach operators bringing parties to the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament...
CRYSTAL-BALL gazing by speakers contributing to a plenary session on The Challenge of the Transport Act at the CPT conference...
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E DISTRIBUTION business Is ntinuing to show that it's the lizz-kid of the road transport lustry. It was the first sector to...
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Blind leading the blind? .VING NOTED all the advice ided out to hauliers, mainly spectators, may I suggest the ly means of...
I WISH to inquire into the possibility of becoming eligible to enter the BEN/IVECO "win a haulage business competition" (CM,...
ALAN BUNTING is quite correct in his (CM,October 4) letter with regard to the conversion of Imperial tons to kilograms. The...
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THERE can be no doubt that the delegates to last weekend's Institute of Traffic Administration conference knew why they were...
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It seems that manufacturers introduce new models throughout the year without waiting for the Show, but despite this there will...
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Driving for profit by Ron Cater JR FLEET MANAGEMENT , nference is regarded by many the leading road transport nference in...
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by Tony Wilding employees should be considered as assets and that the asset value of human resources could ae incorporated...
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by Nick Buckley THE PAST 30 years have seen many changes in the automotive Industry generally as they have in commercial...
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Running costs of 32-tonners ONCE AGAIN SMMT press and public relations manager John Weinthal and his colleagues have rendered...
JUST AS strapless gowns on 3kinny girls can be an awful letlown, so the 750-tonne roof of he new £7m Hall 7 at the Vational...
BY 1990 computers in vehicles will be common, the SMMT believes. Typical information that such instruments might give includes...
AN ARTICLE that deserves wide publicity explains the dangers of buying spurious spares that manufacturers in the Far East,...
I AM GLAD TO SEE that York shire MPs are to be urged tc back moves to tighten up rule: governing drivers' eyesight. Thi.1...
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'HO has the best bus or coach rery in Britain? We will know December 6 when we publish [e results of our 1980 livery 3mpetition...
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HILE the recession has ought gloom to the British ssenger transport industry, I ve no doubt that the 1980 ptor Show at...
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MUNICIPAL and public works operators are under a lot of pressure to cut back spending, particularly as local government is...
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PREVIEW 0 ) styles for both passenger and goods vehicles. Charles Roberts Engineering Ltd is also exhibiting Stand 98 a...
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Bedford's new looks and bigger engine have led to a different system of distinguishing individual models for 1981. Numerical...
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EACH showtime brings forth new models. Most are natural developments of established ideas while others adopt innovations. In...
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Registration and licensing, 2 THE AMOUNT of duty payable for the privilege of keeping or using a mechanically propelled...
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EHICLE'S wiring when new probably be contained in a mess" or "loom" of some I, a braided protective outer )ring or some form of...
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by Douglas Ainley NOTHING has revealed the more unacceptable face of trades unionism than picketing. After Grunwick and...