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Hauliers Beat Rail For Freight Quail
BRITISH RAIL will have to provide as high a standard of service as road transport if it is to gain a larger share of the freight market, Freight Transport Association director......
Tnt Go Up
CONSOLIDATEDnet operating profit of Thomas Nationwide Transport for the year to June 30 was £19.8m — an increase of 12 per cent on last year's figure A £11.5m. There was strong......
Supertest Preview
FORD has never been satisfied with the sales figures of the H-Series Transcontinentals, but there is no lack of confidence in the product down Essex way. "We'll match our......
F/masters Closures
FERRYMASTERS is to close its facilities at Desborough and Southampton and has announced redundancies at these and other depots/offices in the UK and overseas. The number of......
Hestair Avoids Cut
SHELVOKE and Drewry loc like being the latest victim of t recession as the company cc siders laying off about 35 of 1,000 workforce at Letchwor Talks between unions and irm......
NATIONAL CARRIERS have er tered the commercial garag business with the launching laE Friday of their Fleetcare service This is a facility for an operator running its own corn......