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U RGENT calls for more adequate representation of road , transport in both Houses of Parliament were made at the annual...
P OWERFUL interests have made representations to the Government in an endeavour to induce the Chancellor to impose a heavier...
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A T a garage near our offices, we were interested to learn that since the restrictions as to drivers' hours came into force,...
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Of d control and decontrol. That more attention should be paid to the placing of street lights on hills. That some are placed...
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" The wheels of wealth will be slowed by all difficulties of transport, at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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Rotherham Corpdration's transport committee has appointed Mr. Norman Rylance, of Wigan Transport Department, as traffic...
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The works committee of Plymouth Corporation is to purchase a 30-cwt. lorry. Rugeley Ucban District Council • has pun Chased a...
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In Parliament By Oar Special Parliamentary Correspondent RELIABILITY OF POLICE PATROL SPEEDOMETERS QUESTIONED. T HE Home...
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S KIPPING nimbly out of Vie way of the short, "dumpy " London taxi-cab, which sped hilariously over the uncontrolled crossing...
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Misleading Statements • in, Railway . Propaganda.. Fighting Road -Transport by Unfair Means HAVE in my possession an...
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0 VER 400 members and guests, who may be considered as representative of every section of the road-transport industry,...
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H AULAGE for brewers falls into three classes. There are the long-distance collection of loads °if grain and malt, the delivery...
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by A Timbermart T HE vehicles of brewers and mineral-water manufacturers are probably subjected to more hard wear than are...
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Difficulties Created by Fluctuating Demands and Unloading Conditions. Motor Vehicles the Backbone of Several Distinct Classes...
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Brewers' Transport Methods The Effect of the New Regulations. THE effect of the drivers' hours regulations on the brewing...
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of the trade in mineral waters consists of house-to"'house deliveries, consequently easy access to the load, such as is...
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)CKHOUSE SEMI-TRAILER Subjected to Test Road Test No. 212 T HE inclusion of the eightcylinder chassis in the standard range...
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By J. S Nichol' T HE full title of the paper read before the Institute of Transport last Monday by Mr. J. S. Nicholl, a member...
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F OR nearly three hours, Mr. Frank F. Fowler, chairman of the national finance committee of the Road Haulage Association,...
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A MOTOR roller costing about £45 is an attractive proposition to anyone who possesses a lawn no larger than a tennis court, and...
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Passenger Transport All the latest news of important developmerits affecting p ublic-service vehicle owners NATIONAL PACT FOR...
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V ALUABLE advice on the preparation of time-tables was given by Mr. C. A. Tibbett, managing director or Index Publishers...
A NY suggestion that an agreement :lad been reached between. Liverpool and Birkenhead Corporations, for the operation of buses...
H LIEREFORD Corporation has fixed minimum charge of £2 per annum for the use of the bus station. Morris Motor Services,...
issued their decision on applications raising the important question of duplication on services from Edinburgh and Paisley to...
THE "United Automobile Services, I Ltd., has received sanction from the Northern Traffic Commissioners to increase the rates...
A T a sitting, last week,. Mr. W. .Chamberlain, M.Inst.T., chairman of the North-Western Traffic Commissioners, paid a sincere...
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T HE February statistics of busservice operation in the Irish Free State show that, for the first time in the Past 18 months,...
port held an in q uiry into the application of Ipswich Corporation for power to extend the trolleybus system. It was explained...
W E learn that Mr. Samuel Led g arcl, of Armley, Leeds, one of the lar g est independent operators in Yorkshire, has purchased...
THE Done g al Transport Committee, which was set up by the Irish Free State Government to in q uire into the q uestion of...
P OOLE Town Council has decided, by a lar g e majority, to oppose Bournemouth Corporation's Bill, which seeks power to run...
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CONNECTING LONDON AIRPORTS BY AIR SERVICES. T HE need for linking up Loricort's airports used for regular services, especially...
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UERIES A DRIVING-HOUR.RESTRICTION WAIVED FOR AGRICULTURE OR FORESTRY. [4522] As usual I am writing to you for information. In...
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T HE travelling showroom, or display van, is now a well-established form of publicity, which is used by some of the biggest...
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T HE use of power-operated steerin g . for certain classes of vehicle would .appear to be only a matter of time, and in patent...