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Further Rises In I.f.s. Bus Traffic
T HE February statistics of busservice operation in the Irish Free State show that, for the first time in the Past 18 months, an increase in the Volume of cross-border traffic......
Bigger Trolleybus System At Ipswich' Ast Friday, The...
port held an in q uiry into the application of Ipswich Corporation for power to extend the trolleybus system. It was explained that practically the whole of the municipal......
New Acquisition By Yorkshire Owner
W E learn that Mr. Samuel Led g arcl, of Armley, Leeds, one of the lar g est independent operators in Yorkshire, has purchased the whole of the shares of' B. and B. Tours, Ltd.,......
I.f.s. Government Recommends Extension Of Road Transport
THE Done g al Transport Committee, which was set up by the Irish Free State Government to in q uire into the q uestion of providin g ade q uate transport facilities in the......
Poole Against Trolleybuses.
P OOLE Town Council has decided, by a lar g e majority, to oppose Bournemouth Corporation's Bill, which seeks power to run trolleybuses into Poole, where motorbuses are......