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M ANY peace-time organizations have had either to cease their activities or entirely to change their functions. This does not...
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A GREAT many people must have viewed, with a considerable measure of disgust, suggestions by certain interests that the...
Easy Adaptations to A PAMPHLET of particular Make Machine Tools r - ln value to those making More Efficient . • . engines for...
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BIG LONDON MEETING ON GOVERNMENT HAULAGE SCHEME K INGSWAY HALL, London, W.C.2, has been taken for an important open meetin g...
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NAORE than 350 operators attended, 111/last Sunday, a joint meeting convened by A.R.O., C.M.U.A. and Liverpool Cart and Motor...
T HE report and accounts of the Northern Ireland Road Transport Board for the year ended September 30, 1941, which have just...
L AST week we referred to possible saving in the size of blue-prints, suggesting that drawings might be made on a smaller...
NEW COMPANIES B. and G. Tractor Niro, Ltd.-Private company. Reg. Nov. 27, Cap. 41,000 in 1,000 ahem of 41 eack. Ploughing and...
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Ambassador to the United States, visited the White Motor Co.'s plant, Cleveland, during November and expressed his pleasure at...
members in Yorkshire a questidnnaire calling for details of spare parts which they require, and of vehicles which are off the...
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Although Certain of the Points Raised Have Already Been Answered They and Others Help to Clarify the Position By T. Worsley...
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storm would be raised in this country if it were suggested that all bus and tram services publicly owned by municipalities were...
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)perator Progresses from Motorcycles to Mammoths Beginning with a Motorcycle Outfit, the Roadtransport Activities of Orrell...
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C ERTAIN amendments concerning the examination regulations have been announced by the Council of the Institute of Transport....
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DF n 12 AND 15 TONS W E have now three sets of figures for the cost of operating vehicles on long-distance haulage, the fixed...
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Measures Adopted to Facilitate Installation, Care and Running of the New "Victory" Plant—an Inexpensive Producer -gas Outfit...
Apart From a Few Teething Troubles the Arrangements Should Prove Satisfactory S EVERAL queries concerning the Government road...
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How an Ancillary Operator Tests Salved Oil and Grades It For Use in Various Power Units T HE fact that any economy or...
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FILL THAT VACANT SEAT AND HELP THE WAR EFFORT WITH regret I observe that there is a decline among YV drivers in the habit of...
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Earl 'Mr' g and Baron of Bemersyde 1861-1928 1 I A A IG .es co w m h ma en commanded had the . Bnritish from 'a...
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Five Vehicles with Edbro Hydraulic Apparatus Supplied to Well-known Operator by Messrs. Brunt Motors R EADERS will remember...
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CROM the Associated Equipment Co., Ltd., and A. Prifildle, both of Windmill Lane, Southall, comes in patent No. 540,145 a valve...