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Reorganization, Rather Than Makeshift, is the Solution to the Country's Tra nsport Problem A N objective approach to this...
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Travel by Rail â COACH operators will be it's Quicker if it's cheered by a recent Possible incident in which the Railway...
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'Thal jack-knife doors cut platform accidents. Oenials that C.D. heaters are to be fitted in A.R.P. huts. Of 2s. or more per...
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IT is understood that a meeting of i the Road Haulage Liaison Conference, held last week, decided that co-operation between the...
A N offer to take over Cardiff Transport Department's 179 oil-engined buses has been made ⢠by the Western Welsh Omnibus Co.,...
A T a meeting lasting about 5f hours, the national council of the Road Haulage Association last week declined to adopt a...
I T is the Railway Executive's policy to oppose all applications to operate coach tours to the Festival of Britain. This was...
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A THOUSAND employees of British Railways at St. Pancras station, London, came out on an unofficial strike on Monday against...
A TTENTION was drawn to compei â k tition between the railways and C-licensees, when the court of inquiry into railway wage...
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G ERMAN automobile production doubled in 1950 and exceeded 300,000 units, about 30 per cent. of which were commercial vehicles,...
jNTENDED as a guide to the new I entrant to the motor trade and as a handbook for the established company, "The Motor Trade,"...
T HE Railway Executive has inviter! Manchester Corporation to enter into two agreements designed to settle. without resort to...
MR. W. H. FL , LLERLOY E has been appointed sales manager (repairs) of the Laystall Engineering Co., Ltd. MR. H. A. R. BINNEY,...
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THE first bus company to point out to a Licensing Authority the effect of increased wages and higher prices for oil and tyres...
w E must not have areas left without long-distance transport if the Road Haulage Executive cannot do it and will not grant a...
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FARMERS in East Anglia are greatly I worried by the difficulties which may arise when permits are revoked. At a meeting of the...
A FTER a conference with the objectors, the Western S.M.T. Co., Ltd., W. Alexander and Sons, Ltd., and the Railway Executive,...
D EM ANDS were made last week by the unions representing employees in Manchester Transport Department that they should be...
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A N offer by London Transport Executive of a general pay increase of 7s. a week was accepted, last week, hy motorbus,...
T HE Ministry of Supply has placed a contract with David Brown Tractors, Ltd., Huddersfield, for the construction of a new...
A PROPOSAL that three children rAshould be reckoned as two' idUlts, irrespective of the number of adults carried in the...
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B R1TAIN will again be strongly represented by 18 makes in the commercial-vehicle section of the 34th Brussels Show, which...
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T HE 1951 version of the Lodekka bus made by the Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Bristol, has many improvements which...
WEIGHING only 19 lb., the P27 VI' welding pinchers made by Soudeuses Aro. 7, Rue de Bean), Paris, 3e, should prove of...
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By L. J. COTTON, M.1.R.T.E. B ECAUSE of flooding, the proving ground at Farnborough was out of bounds when I tested the Commer...
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IUDENTS. members of health com mittees and even cleansing officers, will have good reason to thank Frank Flintoff,...
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THE article on the subject of passenger accidents, in I your issue dated December 22, made very interest ing reading I was,...
IN your issue dated December 8, a New Zealander, 1 Mr. J. H. McDonald, while praising our drivers, raised a point on which I...
December 22, dealing with accidents on passenger vehicles, the writer asks if it would be possible to reduce such accidents by...
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A NQTHER attack on the GovernrAment's policy of road maintenance and development was made recently by Maj. H. E. Aldington,...
Li OW knock and pre-ignition differ was explained in a paper read at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (Automobile...
A pre-igniter was designed in which the temperature of the pre-igniting surface could be measured. It consisted of art...
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service is a problem that must be faced by the Road Haulage Executive. Development officers may .. possibly have made plans for...
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By JAN US C HAMPIONS of nationalized transport are prone to point out that free enterprise is free front at least one...
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An Independent Expert Blames the Appeal Tribunal for the Bad Balance of the Country's Transport System. He Condemns the...
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Commercial Motor" Tables of Operating Costs should be applied, but before doing so I shall mention some of the increases in...
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1 he S.M.T. premises in Trafalgar Square are to be moved to 298, Regent Street, London, W.I. The Hymatic Engineering Co.....
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INDUCTION heating is ideal for gear 'hardening, beeause only the skin of the teeth is heated and' quenched, thus eliminating...