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blow, has been dealt k- 7 . against the usersof all classes of commercial vehicle and appliance in which petrOl'iS Utilized as...
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• T N view of the many depressing statements 1-made by politicians and others regarding the future of this country, and in...
This will enable bridges to be rebuilt to carry present-day traffic. The Minister said that he hated toll roads and knew that...
man. A track-laying machine of low weight had been demonstrated by t h e agents and it became. necessary to move it a few miles...
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That night travel by road has its bright side. . Heated discussions about "Roads Above the Railways." That some trailer...
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" The wheels of wealth will be stowed by all difficulties of transport at whatever points arising, as a carriage is by the...
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The watch committee of the BIREENIlEA v. Corporation is considering the purchase of a motor fire-engine. The cleansing...
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AUSTIN SIX-WHEELER A. CONSIDERABLE amount of interest. is being taken in the development of the rigid-frame six'wheeler,...
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THE TRAIN in Spain I F railways were to reduce their maximum speed to 25 m.p.h., anti if all express trains ran only on three...
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BETWEEN the Belgian Congo and Portuguese West Africa the firm of Robert Williams and Co., of Elizabeth:vine, which operates the...
The watch committee of the Leeds Corperation has further adjourned consideration of the application of the Birmingham and...
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A Summary of an Important Paper Read Before the Members of the Institution of Automobile Engineers and the Discussion Thereon....
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rpm?, following letter from _L Mr. Walter Gatranons, \filo is a well-known road ft anspolt cont./ actor, prebents many points...
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IirlOWARDS the end of last year we dealt editorially with that important subject, the servicing of passenger vehicles under the...
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A Brief Résumé of the Objects in View. Points from Interesting Speeches by the Minister of Transport and Others. S URPRISINGLY...
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for Passengers or Goods T O meet the demand for a powerful and fast chassis for passenger or goods vehicles the International...
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Being the Story of a Journey on the "Welsh Midnight" Coach Running from London to Cardiff. Brief Details of the Vehicle Used on...
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Upper Saloon W HEN first introduced, the covered-top doubledecker was considered by a few critics to be a retrograde step,...
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Items of News Intended to Stimulate the Interest of British Makers in Overseas Markets. American Exports of Commercial ,...
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The Editor invites correspondence on all subjects connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be on one side of...
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Notes on Every Aspect of Coach and Bus Development. rillIOSE who have kept in close 1 touch with he development of...
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B Y means of a Carrimore attachment the AA-type Ford 30-cwt. chassis can be converted to take a 3-ton load. -The resulting...
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Interesting Contributions• from Maintenance Engineers, Drivers and Mechanics. Preventing Broken Petrol Pipes. F ROM High...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications. T iiE name of E. It. Foden appears in patent No. 305,361, in which a...