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The Increasing .burdens Upon Commercial-vehicle Users. ,...
blow, has been dealt k- 7 . against the usersof all classes of commercial vehicle and appliance in which petrOl'iS Utilized as fuel by the heavy general increaSe . in the Price......
The Optimism Of The Minister Of Transport.
• T N view of the many depressing statements 1-made by politicians and others regarding the future of this country, and in particular of its road transport, the optimistic note......
Reducing Toll Roads And Level Crossings.
This will enable bridges to be rebuilt to carry present-day traffic. The Minister said that he hated toll roads and knew that level-crossings were most annoying and dangerous,......
W Hat A Wonderful . Country This Is For The Business
man. A track-laying machine of low weight had been demonstrated by t h e agents and it became. necessary to move it a few miles to another venue. Owing to restrictions imposed......