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I T has often been pointed out how differently the law and the layman will interpret a situation. Probably in few cases is that...
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'THE law provides two methods of dealing with 1 hauliers who knowingly make false statements to procure the grant or variation...
One Cause of Oil Engines Smoking J HE avoidance of smoke from oil engines is of considerable importance. Its presence...
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That it is only fair and square to allow bus operators to square fares and exes. Of a new G.M.C. tractor with air-bellows...
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roNSERVATIVE Members of Parliament expect the speed limit on heavy .goods vehicles . to be raised. from 20 m.p.h. to 30. m.p.h....
A N appeal, in which the rates charged by the British Transport Commission for carrying racehorses were the central point of...
R EVENUE and costs of the Devon General Omnibus and Touring Co., Ltd., last year were the highest on record, Mr.-W. T. James,...
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Mrs. C. G. GREEN has succeeded MR. J. G. WIDDOWSON as a director of G. Beaton and Son, Ltd. MR. V. M. HELD has been appointed...
A N impression that transport was no lon g er a party political issue was expressed by Viscount Hinchin g brooke, M.P., when he...
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TWO bus operators who appealed unsuccessfully against refusals to grant them road service licences for new stage services have...
'TWO big municipal operators are 1. seeking to make local increases in the wages of transport operatives, costing £300,000 a...
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G RANTING an application for 1 .- 1 higher fares to Brighton Corporation and Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Co., Ltd., Mr....
and Son tcCream Line Services); Tonmawr, near Neath, applied to the South Wales Licensing Authority, last week, for permission...
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"WE are definitely opposed to dis VY criminatory action of this type, unless it is fully justified, against the public service...
DDRESSING the West Midland I -1 Division of the Traders' Road Transport Association on Monday, Mr. C. E. Jordan chart - man,...
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T "wisdom of the transport committee's policy of estimating the life . of buses at.20 years was questioned by Cllr. S. Ralphs...
LINDER the new Food and Drugs "-' (Scotland) Act, 1956, an authorized officer of a local authority is entitled to examine food...
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is to be held in the Isle of Wight, probably in the week preceding the Whitsun holiday. It is being organized by the Isle of...
A LLEGATIONS made at a meeting of Grimsby Transport Committee that Cleethorpes was opposed to the principle of amalgamating the...
" CATIGUE in Automobiles," by R. I. Love, of the Motor Industry Research Association, is one of 70 papers to be presented at...
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Birmetals Body Parts for Popular Chassis Can be Assembled in a Few Days by Bodybuilders or Operators A CCORDING to the design...
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A MOT31LE shop of striking appear ance has been built by Locomotors, Ltd., on a semi-trailer chassis by Taskers of Andover...
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Technical Knowledge of Properties of Tank Materials and Liquids Vital to Prevent Serious Trouble B ECAUSE of the need for...
of the advantages of stapling machines for assembling light components, but as the chief examples have been made in America or...
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A LIGHTWEIGHT dual valve for air-pressure braking has been introduced by Clayton Dewandre Co., Ltd., Lincoln. It consists of...
Brown Brothers, Ltd., 10 Irwell Street, Salford, is to hold a display of garage equipment from May 7-12. New Ferodo Depot: A...
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'W HEN the Hillman Husky was introduced by the Rootes V Group in October, 1954, it was offered as a double-duty utility vehicle...
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A ST week I stressed the value of mechanical handling aids in reducing waiting time in the streets, thereby avoiding the...
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A FAMILIAR sight in Yorkshire and East Lancashire is the neat olive-green vans of the Bradford Dyers' Association, Ltd., with a...
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A SINGLE-DECK bus possessing in , several interesting design features has been built in Australia. It is of integral...
P RICED at 3s. 6d., " Road Craft," published by the Stationery Office, is the instruction book for students of the Motor Car...
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C HOICE of a . suitable moment for announcing an increase in rates, as ,forecast in i:he Commercial Motor last week, apparently...
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I N my previous article I dealt with the establishment costs of an operator with 100 vehicles, and 1 showed that his...
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nIL-ENG1NED vehicles employing vacuum braking have to be provided with a special exhausting pump for the operation of the...