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The Load Lugger system in a word. Load Lugger handles bulk or high density materials efficiently and quickly. Models are...
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Gives you a new, higher standard for the medium sized truck. Up till now, only the largest of the legendary Scanias have been...
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Dyson are trailer engineers. Not trailer manufacturers you notice. Trailer engineers. There's a difference. And it's not just...
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otor VOLUME 129 No 3326 June 13 1969 There are still far too few professional transport men in local government circles. For a...
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PTAs SHOULD BE TAKEN OVER, SAYS LOCAL GOVERNMENT REPORT from our political correspondent ⢠Road passenger transport services...
14 main subjects from a special correspondent ⢠Basic knowledge of 14 categories of information essential to the safe...
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⢠Forty hauliers in the North East will be faced with a bill for £500,000 per year if the Inland Revenue continues to...
⢠No managing director has yet been appointed by Dennis Bros. Ltd. to replace Mr. B. G. Stacey. Mr. Alan R. Stewart, in his...
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⢠A battle between the Minister of Transport and the British Road Federation has been raging over trunk road schemes. It...
⢠The winner of the Perkins Drivers Club "Member of The Year" competition, held at the Perkins Eastfield factory,...
⢠A new type of controlled-Slip differential known as the B-T (balanced-traction} unit will, in due course, be produced in...
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⢠Just four months after beginning operations, Birmingham based Overnight Express Ltd., now an individual company within the...
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⢠A fleet of 100 road tankers will carry out distribution from the new .£3m Shell-Mex and BP oil terminal opened this week...
⢠The world's widest tunnel, taking the Stockholm-Paris-Lisbon E3 motorway under the Scheldt River in Antwerp. was officially...
⢠Trials of Atkinson, Bedford and Mack snow ploughing vehicles were carried out during the winter of 1967/68 for the MoT...
⢠An open meeting of the Association of Industrial Road Safety Officers was held in Birmingham on Wednesday. The proposed...
⢠The Wimborne, Dorset, firm Quay Trailers Ltd. is in process of moving to a new factory located at Junction Works, Dawkins...
⢠The seventh annual Fork Truck Driver of the Year Competition, organized and sponsored by the British Industrial Truck...
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⢠The probable pattern of timber haulage within the United Kingdom forests over the next 25 years was outlined at the jubilee...
⢠Representatives of the road haulage and civil engineering industries met Mr. J. L. Paisley, chief highway engineer....
⢠A saving of 15cwt has been achieved in two new refrigerated vehicles recently supplied by Blox Refrigeration Services Ltd....
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bus Bill from our Parliamentary correspondent ⢠A clash over the competition which London Transport might bring against...
the heading 'transportation' and should be controlled by the same authority as are all the other services in that group."...
K. G. Jones, 46, has been appointed general service manager for ERF Ltd. Before joining ERF, Mr. Jones spent three years as...
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⢠The problems and activities of Coras Iompair Eireann are comprehensively surveyed in a review that virtually fills the...
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⢠Thursday's business session of the Public Transport Association's annual conference at Brighton last week saw Professor J....
⢠A useful report for students in public transport has been published by the department of civil engineering, University of...
⢠Changes to London's 6d flat-fare Red Arrow bus services, including the introduction of two new routes in place of one...
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⢠The Transport Tribunal in London on Tuesday heard an appeal against the refusal of the Northern LA, Mr. J. A. T. Hanlon, to...
⢠At a 178 inquiry in Edinburgh on Monday the Scottish (Southern) LA, Mr. A. B. Birnie, suspended one vehicle for one month,...
⢠The secretary /manager of a C-licensee was fined £50 for forging two records with intent to deceive at Leyland...
⢠It was the duty of a Licensing Authority not to deal harshly on the spot with a company whose vehicle maintenance was in a...
⢠Abercrombie and Co. Ltd., of Maryhill, Glasgow, scrap merchant, had its C licence suspended indefinitely in Glasgow on...
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⢠A former 0-licensed haulier was granted a new A licence with a wide normal user in Chester last week when he applied to the...
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⢠Although a number of objectors were present, an applicant for an A licence, Mr. E. C. Thompson, of Diana Borth,...
⢠At a rehearing in Leeds magistrates court on Tuesday W. G. A. Robinson (Express Haulage) Ltd. was fined £2 on each of two...
⢠John Smith and Sons, of Dalton. Thirsk, applied to the Yorkshire Traffic Commissioners in Leeds on Tuesday for four...
⢠An application by D. E. Hines (Transport). Ltd., Birmingham, to delete a 24--ton flat trailer from its B licence and add a...
⢠At Watford magistrates court on Friday, W. W. Drinkwater (Willesden) Ltd., was fined £20 for causing a 20 ton g.v.w. lorry...
⢠"This is one of the most deplorable states we have had in this traffic area for a long time and previous restrictions have...
⢠A Cannock operator who tried to "tidy up" his licensing by putting 20 vehicles on A licence was told by the West Midland...
⢠It was decided that there was not really a case for the application by Mardy Transport Co., Ltd., of Kingswinford, to put...
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by Paul Brockington ⢠Some 30 vehicles are being exhibited at the tanker show organized by the Ryland Vehicle Group Ltd.,...
⢠Six-wheeler versions of the BMC Mastiff 16-ton range of trucks are now available and can be ordered through British...
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Loads and forces (4) ⢠In slowing down for a roundabout it is necessaryâas this series has previously demonstratedâto...
⢠Up to 19 tons of animal feeds, ranging in density from 35 to 38Ib cu.ft., can legally be carried within the 30 tens g.v.w....
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by Carolyn Hyams ⢠Everything seemed improved this year at the Newcastle under Lyme LDoY round on Sunday, the driving, the...
by John Darker ⢠Although entries were up on last year at the Newcastle LDOY round at the Team Valley Trading Estate on...
by David Lowe ⢠Not only did Sunday's North Midlands LDoY round at Desford, near Leicester, have its first woman entrant in...
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⢠"Thank ye ma'am, oi'll drop ye off a dizen." That was how smiling Sam Gray of Associated Egg Packers, Lisburn, acknowledged...
by Ashley Taylor ⢠Repeating his last year's success, in Class E(1), S. G. Neate (ABM Industrial Products Ltd., Dodge)...
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vad s!uuaa ONE of the most important developments in ambulance design in recent years was the introduction at the last...
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IN GENERAL, ceansing vehicle design appears to have entered upon a period of stability with few marked trends towards change....
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ably possible. Constantly, of course, his efforts were offset by a public who in general terms were apathetic to his task. In...
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Container overhang A RECENT prosecution has brought to light the need for displaying an approved end marker board if a...
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by the Hawk * Newest profession? Haulier-neighbours of Harris Haulage (Grays) Ltd., Essex, have grim faces after seeing...
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Janus comments NOT ONLY in the world of sport is the amateur tending to disappear. The situation is coming in road transport...
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by Ashley Taylor, AMIRTE Assoc InstT THE IDEA that the Ministry of Transport can finish off a motorway and then just forget it...
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WHEN the hydraulic platform was first produced in this country some 15 years ago it was seen to have the obvious advantage of...
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"LOCAL AUTHORITIES and public utilities are not bound by the Act and drivers do not require to keep journey records sheets."...
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THE SCOTTISH GAS BOARD POINTS THE WAY MANY large road transport organizations find it helpful, indeed essential, to codify the...
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I am being charged 6s a gallon for fuel supplied from this company's tanks; they do not allow me to buy anywhere else. I can...
has so far failed and find the remains of an Atkinson steamwagon. They were built in Preston by the first Atkinson and Co., and...
He has asked us to quote for the service contract and wishes to know at what figure we can supply this service contract per...
A The answer to your question is contained on page 8 note 2 of the Goods Vehicle Testers' Manual which says "recut tyres are...
name of Ewar, andl am trying to locate the name and address of the manufacturer. I believe the truck is of German manufacture....
buses and in addition to reading your magazine I want to get copies of another which I believe is called the "Coaching...
plant. Due to the nature of the work trucks sometimes get held up on the site waiting to unload. This is causing us some...
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THE imminent cut-back of evening transport classes, about which I wrote last week. has wide repercussions. With much greater...
Clearways BY LES OLDRIDGE, A.I.R.T.E, A.M.I.M.I, THE USE of clearways is controlled by the Various Trunk Roads fProhibition...
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announced this week, E. J. Ratcliff (Mechanical Engineers) Ltd., completes a range of three types of tail-lift designed to suit...