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Q Am An Owner-driver With A Large Company On Contract A...
I am being charged 6s a gallon for fuel supplied from this company's tanks; they do not allow me to buy anywhere else. I can get it cheaper elsewhere and this would make a......
Q I Am Hoping To Succeed Where Atkin' Son Vehicles Ltd.
has so far failed and find the remains of an Atkinson steamwagon. They were built in Preston by the first Atkinson and Co., and later, after an amalgamation, by Atkinson Walker......
Q We Have A Large Fleet-owner Customer, Who Has Obtained...
He has asked us to quote for the service contract and wishes to know at what figure we can supply this service contract per mile without tyres. He proposes to supply 15......
Ci Could You Tell Me If The Law Allows Recut Tyres To Be...
A The answer to your question is contained on page 8 note 2 of the Goods Vehicle Testers' Manual which says "recut tyres are permitted to be fitted to the following types of......
Q I Believe There Is A Fork-lift Truck Sold Under The
name of Ewar, andl am trying to locate the name and address of the manufacturer. I believe the truck is of German manufacture. Could you assist by giving me this name and......
Q I Am Very Interested In Coaches And
buses and in addition to reading your magazine I want to get copies of another which I believe is called the "Coaching Journal". Could you tell me where I can obtain copies? A......
Q We Operate Six Truck-mixers In A 15mile Radius From The
plant. Due to the nature of the work trucks sometimes get held up on the site waiting to unload. This is causing us some problems with drivers' hours. On most days we start work......