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T WO weeks ago, The Commercial Motor asked: "Is there a case for issuing a special driving licence to goods vehicle drivers?...
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A T a meeting in London on Friday the rates and carriers' liability committee of the Road Haulage Association decided to make...
STRONG efforts to check developments NJ in connection with Lanes-London overnight return runs, which they fear may lead to "...
G RAVE concern has been expressed by members of the Traders Road Transport Association vehicles committee at a meeting when the...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT UNION opposition to private road 1/4. 1 hauliers is threatening Dr. Beeching's plans for...
S INCE the Beeching Report was produced, in the field of rail freight 552 small stations had been closed, said Mr. A. R....
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A PROPOSAL that it should be made PA. obligatory on the part of the Minister of Transport to consult the highway authority...
THE Transport Development Group Ltd. made a profit of 13,781,183 last year, compared with £3,062,854 in 1962; this was the...
month, Lep Transport Co. Ltd. will move into a new depot to be established at the Airfield industrial estate, Grangemouth. The...
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A CCORDING to reliable information received by Aims of Industry there is more opposition to nationalization from employees of...
T HE hearing of charges against longdistance lorry drivers alleged to have signed for diesel fuel they never received and...
Front Johan F. goon, Geneva, Wednesday 'THIS year's Swiss Motor Show has a larger commercial-vehicle section than on previous...
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R ACTIC A L experiments to find the answer to the rural transport problem are to be conducted in selected areas. Announcing...
Science, Mr. Quintin Hogg, told the Commons on Wednesday that there was no evidence to suggest that diesel engine fumes were a...
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A N application by Ritsons Haulage Ltd. was refused by Mr. G. Newman, the North Western deputy Licensing Authority at...
A N application for six artics (refrigerated vans) on A licence. with the normal user" Meat and other refrigerated food within...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, in a written judgment, has dismissed an appeal by Trenafon Transport Ltd., of Wednesfield, against the...
R ATES payable to hauliers in January, 1962, are still in existence today and there was no possibility of them being increased,...
I. A. T. Hanlon, sitting at Durham on Monday, referred to a contract which, he said, did not give adequate protection for many...
THE Minister of Transport has disI missed three appeals against decisions of the Northern Traffic Commissioners. O.K. Motor...
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TRIBUNAL RULES THAT L.A. WAS RIGHT TO IGNORE CUSTOMERS RE can be no doubt that, in refusing to allow the appeal by Trenafon T...
S. Wales Commissioners refuse to be dictated to T HE system whereby Services departments bi-ennially put out to tender...
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B y far the largest application to be notified this week appears in the Metropolitan "As and Ds", and is in the form of a...
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chairman of the bulk liquids group of the Road Haulage Association for 1964-65, together with Mr. H. Wood and Mr. W. M....
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F IVE attractive single-decker buses have been introduced by West Hartlepool Corporation Transport to replace doubledeckers on...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT T HE Committee of Inquiry into the pay and conditions of employment of London Transport...
A PPLICATIONS for licences to run 1-1 . bus services over the Forth Road Bridge between Edinburgh and Fife, described as...
A S recordedbriefly last week, recent orders for passenger chassis worth around 000,000 have been received by Leyland Motors...
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Carnock Valley Motors Ltd. and the company's managing director, Mr. William Smith, were fined a total of £130 âand 13 buses...
four Midland Red routesâthe first time the company has been able to dispense with conductors. The one-man buses are all...
Scottish Busmen for Ausiralia : Edinburgh transport employees have shown little interest in efforts to recruit 500 bus staff...
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T HE following Institute of Transport Scholarships are being offered for award in 1964:â One C.M.U.A. Road Transport...
Q NE of the A.E.C. exhibits at the Geneva Show is a Mandator 4 a 4 chassis with a wheelbase of 11 ft, designed particularly for...
I N addition to its service facilities, the York Trailer Co. Ltd. factory in London Road, Glasgow, E.2, is now functioning as a...
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O N Monday an assembly plant for Leyland vehicles and diesel engines was opened in Iran by the Iranian Prime Minister....
EATON AXLES FOR EUROPE: Eaton Axles Ltd., Warrington, has received an initial order from Simca/Unic Industries Ltd., of France,...
a tn. Technical Centre Opened: British Oxygen Company's £.1 m. technical centre at North 'Circular Road, Cricklewood, was...
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I LLUSTRATED here is a double-deck bus whose appearance would put many a modern bus to shame it was built as far back as 1934...
Self-lubricating Bushes FREQUENTLY HEARD around transport repair shops are the words "premature failure" when some item has...
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and Publications Maserati Air Horns THREE models from the range of air horns marketed by Maserati. the Italian car makers,...
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PART 1 Higher productivity, more goods, more vehicles âa challenging trend. But can transport catering meet the. changing...
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A sound, reliable and friendly financial service is a primary requirement for traders in cars and commercial vehicles. And...
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6x 2 A FTER a run of two years and four months, the York back-end of the A.E.C. Marshal single-drive, 20ton-gross six-wheeler...
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IN the very near future the Road Haul.' age Association is to launch a publicity campaign, chiefly through the medium of local...
Ei VERY opportunity should be taken Iâ , to bring to the notice of the public the seriousness of nationalization, said Mr. J....
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1. Midland men favour special licences and training â 4 j UST as it is said that every family has its black sheep, so it...
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Application P A novel transmission w ith M.I.R.A. connections D ETAILS of the twin-shunt hydrostatic transmission mentioned...
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By The Hawk Traffic Confusion The annual dinner and dance of the London centre of the Institute of Traffic Administration is...
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A.1411.1.R.T.E., AssocInst. T, Hydraulic Rescue PORTABLE hydraulic equipment designed to force apart wedged doors, or to open...
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M OST organizations have a coherent policy which they would be prepared to set out at length if the appropriate challenge came....
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WHEN a commercial vehicle is involved in an accident vv the operator will incur more financial loss than the actual repair of...
A Staffordshire reader asks for an analysis of the operating costs of an eight-wheeler as a basis on which to formulate tonnage...
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Cheer from Transport Development Group V EN a broker said to me "T.D.G. marches on" ie summed up simply and in a nutshell the...
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Serial Numbers on Trailer Chassis THE practice of stamping serial numbers on all trailer chassis (The Commercial Motor,...