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I T would be foolish to suppose that the Ministry of Transport have not noted the new legal provision in West Germany which...
A vehicle travelling at 15 m.p.h. is little less hindrance than one doing 71 m.p.h., but the cost to the operator of securing...
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W HAT are the "monopoly privileges for road operators" of which Mr. D. L. Munby, reader in the economics and organization of...
By The Hawk Double Occasion AA AY 6 was not only a Royal occasion but was a significant date in the history of road...
Allan Frederict Zeynolds Carling T HE telephone was exigent when I called to see Mr. Allan Frederick Reynolds Carling at...
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Week for Company Busmen T HE current series of claims for higher wages, shorter hours and better working conditions for busmen...
BY OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT 1 HE Ministry of Transport is considering introducing additional controls over abnormal...
T HE swing towards the carriage of bulk loads and the consequent reduction of traffic in sacks was pinpointed. at Edinburgh on...
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E XCESSIVE use of the temporary substitution procedure, under Regulation 15, by large fleet operators is a nuisance to...
been given a new lease of life by the installation of a Commer TS3 oil engine. The vehicle is a six-wheeled open-top 57-seater...
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MR. T. Kraox, marketing director of Massey-Ferguson (Great Britain), Ltd.. has joined the board of StandardTriumph Sales, Ltd....
I -1 A SPECIAL licence for the urban vehicle user was one suggestion for dealing with metropolitan congestion, advanced by Mr....
P RESENTING the second Wakefield Memorial lecture before students of the College of Aeronautical and Automobile Engineering at...
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G OVERNMENT policy of giving priority to main cross-country roads is defended in a statement by the Minister of Transport,...
TRAFFIC in the city would come to a standstill if plans prepared by Newcastle upon Tyne City Council to prohibit the unloading...
I - 1 A NEW range of bus and truck body work and chassis for European operators will be produced as a result of co-operation...
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QOME members of the public still thought that it was not necessary to obtain a licence before taking fare-paying passengers on...
flESCRIBED by an objector as an Li attempt to revive a service which was smartly going down the slot," an application by...
A N application to run a direct coach service from Swindon to Weymouth on Saturdays and Sundays throughout the summer by G. J....
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T O improve their parcels services in North Wales, B.R.S. (Parcels), Ltd., continued their application (The Commercial Motor,...
A N application by G. Read (Transin. port), Ltd., Mitcheldean, Glos, to Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing Authority, at...
A TELEVISION engineer, William Innard Beveridge, 17 Glebe Street, Dundee, who sued British Road Services for £2,000, has been...
A DMITTING 30 infringements of 1-3 . licensing regulations at Mitcham, last week, D. Seale, Ltd., Gladstone Road, Mitcham, were...
A NETWORK of 49 routes has been r" .1 built up by London Transport to attract families to 13 beauty spots in the Home Counties...
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A MISLEADING picture of available -facilities was presented when d --1 hauliers, who telephoned at night to hire vehicles for...
THE capacity of Balloch, on Loch 1 Lomond, to support day tours was debated before the Scottish Traffic Commissioners, at...
turers of mine equipment where flame-proofing is essential, Perkins Engines, Ltd., Peterborough, have introduced a power unit...
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A REPRESENTATIVE of one of the biggest coal-transport LA undertakings in the country told Mr. S. W. Nelson, Western Licensing...
'THERE was a prejudice by traders I against employing British Road Services if independent hauliers were available, Mr. R. E....
A HAULIER who applied to Maj. 1 - .1 F. S. Eastwood, Yorkshire Licensing Authority, last week to add an eightwheeled tipper to...
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O P F. R ATORS who opposed an application by Rossie Motors (Rossington), Ltd., to vary their road service licence withdrew...
A.P.V. Anniversary: The A.P.V. Co., Ltd. celebrate their 50th anniversary on June 10. New B.R.S. Depot: British Road Services...
S EEKING permission to initiate seven tours from Portpatrick, from Easter to September, R. Lawrie and Son, Stranraer, told the...
B UILT at a cost of £136,000, a new road motor depot was opened by British Railways at Huskisson Dock, Liverpool, last week. It...
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G RANTS totalling over £500,000 have been made by the Minister of Transport towards the cost of constructing the first section...
T HE implacable attitude of local authorities who regularly oppose modest applications to increase bus fares to meet rising...
A ONE-DAY course for transport managers has been organized by the Industrial Welfare Society, 48 Bryanston Square, London, W.1....
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Thornycroft Tractive .Unit With B.T.C. Semi-trailer Shows Lively Performance with 12-ton Payload: 130-b.h.p. Engine Permits...
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A N appeal involving the question of whether Greenock Town Council were opposing a new bus service because they were unwilling...
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BY OUR PARLIAMENTARY CORRESPONDENT L ORRY and other drivers cannot be charged with obstruction by the new traffic wardens. Mr....
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THE European Conference of Transport Ministers had been sharply I divided over the past few years. Two opposing groups...
R EMOVERS' fears about the policy of the Road Haulage Association concerning normal user were "not wellfounded." This was...
T HE new Ilydracrane mobile unit shown by F. Taylor and Sons (Manchester). Ltd., Salford, 6, at the Mechanical Handling...
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Specialized or Adapted Vehicles on the Apron : Some of the Types in Use at London Airport are Described Here By Tom Walkerley...
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Air-conditioning and Cabin Pressure Testing: Dragonair, Ltd.. Fitzherbert Road, Farlington, Portsmouth. Hants: M.L. Aviation...
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Conversion Headlamps P RE - FOCUS headlamp units designed to replace the original equipment on light commercial vehicles...
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T HE recent ruling by the Transport Tribunal, during the Oliver Bros. appeal in Edinburgh, that the term, "agricultural...
AR. HANLON'S campaign to lvi encourage the police to oppose renewals of A and B licences to persons who have been convicted of...
rrywO decisions in April, one by the I Transport Tribunal in the appeal of Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport), Ltd.,...
THE East Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, is concerned at the lightness with which some commercial undertakings...
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A S a result of Mr. Hanlon's refusal to grant applications for additional vehicles to meet increasing demands for road...
M1 Service Grant Open to Review rACEO with the difficult problem of I railway reor g anization causing congestion on 1541...
T HE Northern Traffic Commissioners support their colleagues in the north-west in their view that applicants for express...
T HE Austin 7 van which was expected to make its debut this week at the Austin commercial vehicle show organized by L. F. Dove...
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tter dam to Zurich with a cargo of frozen chickens .. . just one of many Austins in use on continental routes today. Her owners...
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STATUS SYMBOL p ASSENGER operators have a peak problem in a dramatic form. They find themselves over-burdened for...
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I EMPHASIZED last week the substantial reduction in tyre costs obtained by those operators who took the trouble to employ...