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Appeal Ruling On Livestock Upsets Standard Practice
T HE recent ruling by the Transport Tribunal, during the Oliver Bros. appeal in Edinburgh, that the term, "agricultural produce," used on a licence, embraces livestock, cuts......
Campaign To Bring In Police As Objectors
AR. HANLON'S campaign to lvi encourage the police to oppose renewals of A and B licences to persons who have been convicted of carrying stolen goods in vehicles has attracted......
Take-over Dangers Brought To Light
rrywO decisions in April, one by the I Transport Tribunal in the appeal of Charles Alexander and Partners (Transport), Ltd., and the other by Mr. D. L. R. Muir, Metropolitan......
Smoke Signals
THE East Midland Licensing Authority, Mr. C. R. Hodgson, is concerned at the lightness with which some commercial undertakings treat applications for additional transport. He......