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C COTLAND'S own Motor Show opens today in Kelvin Hall, Glasgow. It is the second to be held since the war and the...
Looking Back on 34 Years WHEN he retires in a few days from the position " of South Eastern Licensing Authority, Lt.-Col. F....
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Of Gardner 4LW oil engines in Bristol lightweight buses in the Eastern Counties giving remarkably low consumption figures....
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r i N Tuesday the West Midland Licensing Authority began to hear the ‘-'first of a number of applications by coach operators...
D EPRESENTATIONS on the carriage of abnormal indivisible loads are to be made to the Minister of Transport by the County...
TW 0 old-established South London coach operators, Bourne and Balmer (Croydon), Ltd., and Wallis Hire Service, Ltd., have been...
Interest": Welsh Appeals Go On A T the resumed hearing at Swansea, this week, of appeals against the granting of fare...
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VEN if an objector established that existing or prospective facilities were, or would be, excessive, an application for a...
U TNSUCCESSFUL tenderers for %.-- 1 transport units will be notified at The same time as those whose offers have been...
A LL restrictions on the use of nickel have been removed by the Ministry of Supply and the Board of Trade. The Minister of...
A MEETING of the National Council I - % for the Omnibus Industry, representing company bus undertakings and the unions, decided...
T HE Opposition was expected in the House of Commons on Wednesday to call for the annulment of the order dealing with...
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MR. P. WALE has been appointed managing director of E. G. Brown and Co., Ltd. FIELD-MARSHAL VISCOUNT ALANBROOKE has joined the...
A NUMBER of improvements in the Bedford range of vehicles has been introduced in recent months. Servicing of - the servo unit...
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A PEDESTRIAN who caused a J n. Dundee Corporation bus to brake suddenly to a halt was successfully sued last week by an...
A FTER experimenting for three years, B.I. Transport Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of Joseph Rank, Ltd.-, Eastcheap, London, E.C.3,...
A GEARED version of their 40-ton PIinclinable power press has been introduced by F. I. Edwards, Ltd., 359-361 Euston Road,...
T HE British National Committee International Chamber of Commerce, 15 Kingsway, London, W.C.2, have published "Trade Terms,"...
A SCHEME whereby holiness users may obtain hire cars during the winter and spring at 25 per cent, discount has been introduced...
have insufficient funds to maintain the Strachur-Colintraive road in a satisfactory condition to carry the current volume of...
A N estimated £10,000 a year will result from increases in fares proposed by Wallasey Corporation. The transport undertaking is...
A N appeal to all drivers to avoid driving "under the influence of haste" was made by Mr. D. V. Turner, Chief Constable of...
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A FIER an interval of 3i years, the Ministry of Transport has again revised the draft Public Service Vehicles (ConditiOns of...
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A PUBLIC company with a capital of £750,000 should be formed under the auspices of the Uganda Development Corporation to take...
T HE Prime Minister of Ceylon has decided to postpone appointing a committee to examine the working of bus companies and the...
Pt Government of Hyderabad have up a road transport board to nanage the road transport department. Ile board's functions will...
70 per cent. of motor vehicles in ksia are discarded prematurely, states dr. J. Hartzenhuseh, technical assistince expert,...
T RANSPORT by road of seven 52-56ton sections of refinery equipment ver an 11-mile route from Durban ocks through the centre of...
abandonment of the city's trams in 10 years was outlined last week by Ald. J. Rafferty, chairman of Leeds Transport Committee....
A PNEUMATIC mobile crane, which can be used where a supply of compressed air at suitable pressure is available, has been...
P RICES of driving and other lamps have been reduced by Marchal Distributors, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middx. The...
On Monday, United Dominions Trust, Ltd., are opening a branch at 2a Southgate Street, Gloucester. Seven German education...
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v PPING magistrates decided • last week that an ex-W.D. vehicle fitted with a breakdown crane was a dualpurpose vehicle and...
P RESIDENT of the Institute of Traffic Administration, Lord Merrivale, and Mr: F. 1-1.. Burn, chairman of the national council,...
hAOST of the oil companies have Pa reduced the price of standard-grade petrol by fd. a gallon and oil fuel by id. a gallon as...
for the conveyance of petrol tankers on the Woolwich ferry boats across the Thames. This follows the discovery that the...
S PECIAL trailers upon which complete Maycrete houses may be carried have been designed and built for the Basrah Petroleum Co.,...
more convenient public transport services would ease road congestion because people would be less inclined to use their own...
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TRANSPORT might remain in the 1 political arena for some years ahead, said Mr. Gerald Nabarro, M.P., last week, when he and Mr....
W HEN Wilts and Dorset Motor Services, Ltd., applied to the Western Licensing Authority at Salisbury on Tuesday for an increase...
A N interesting adaptation of a Humber Super Snipe long-wheelbase Mark IV station wagon was recently completed for the British...
A N experimental crush-load singledecker which the Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co., Ltd., have been trying out on...
D EGULATED competition on equal terms would afford better service to the, community than cut-throat competition, the results...
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New Automatic Coupling Gear Made as Units for Adaptation' to Standard Tractor Chassis and to Semi-trailers A N automatic...
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)istribution of Materials for the Maintennce and Improvement of Highways, Particlarly in the West of Scotland, is the 'unction...
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A MOBILE self-service shop,.claimed to be the first in Scotland, has been placed in service by the Kirkcaldy and District...
T HE largest triple-action press in Britain is now being erected by Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., at Luton. Weighing 318 tons and...
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T es Times and Prices LAKES AT KELVIN HALL T WENTY FOUR makes of commercial vehicle are / exhibited on 50 stands at the...
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By W. A. Nicholson, O.B.E. Manager and Secretary, The Scottish Tourist Board S INCE the war, coach touring has made a...
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Bonny Banks o' Clyde is Arran, Where Lightweight Buses and Coaches Provide the Stage Services Connecting the Villages, as well...
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in Staff Relations By E. R. L. Fitzpayne, B.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. General Manager, Glasgow Corporation Transport (in an...
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By F. Y. Frazer, B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Inst.T. General Manager, Aberdeen Transport Department A BERDEEN is a large city,...
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By rence J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. T WO days travelling on an Albion Clydesdale tipper, performing its daily task of delivering...
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LIVE new coach and bus bodies on J. Bedford passenger chassis equipped with oil and petrol engines will be shown and...
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A NEW range of heaters for coaches and the cabs of goods vehicles is shown on Stand 148 by Smith's Motor Accessories, Ltd.,...
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Pilot Equipment Scheme Raises Hopes of Substantial Economy in Transport Costs Totalling Elm. a Year: How Kirkcudbrightshire...
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Gale struck Woodlands Provide the Opportunity to Demonstrate British Forestry Equipment M ANY difficulties were created for...
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Asks K. Firth Butterfield Disposal Arrangements Do Not Pay Enough Attention to the Interests of the Ex-haulier who Wishes to...
T HE small gas turbine had possibilities in all fields of road transport, said Mr, F. R. Bell, chief designer (engines) of...
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EFERRING to your leading article "Protection Before Price" of October 30, your offer of the Tribunal's decision as "...
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N a few days' time a good many people all over the country will begin to tackle a problem likely to require a4most as much...
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The Relationship Between Good Driving and Use of Fuel is Sufficiently Close to Enable a Simple Incentive Scheme to be • Based...
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THE increasing size of modern engines, particularly those of the compression-ignition type, makes heavy demands on the battery...