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Public Company To Take Over Buses ?
A PUBLIC company with a capital of £750,000 should be formed under the auspices of the Uganda Development Corporation to take over transport services in the Protectorate west of......
Inquiry Postponed
T HE Prime Minister of Ceylon has decided to postpone appointing a committee to examine the working of bus companies and the question of higher fares. Meantime, he is seeking......
New Hyderabad Board
Pt Government of Hyderabad have up a road transport board to nanage the road transport department. Ile board's functions will be similar o those of the railway board. Whilst......
Discarded Too Soon Ilipecause Of Lack Of Proper Care, 1 - 1
70 per cent. of motor vehicles in ksia are discarded prematurely, states dr. J. Hartzenhuseh, technical assistince expert, Asian Field Office, Interrational Labour Organization.......
3-ft. Cylinder Goes By Road
T RANSPORT by road of seven 52-56ton sections of refinery equipment ver an 11-mile route from Durban ocks through the centre of the city was ecently undertaken by Law and Miller......
Leeds To Abandon Trams? A Programme For The Complete R - 1
abandonment of the city's trams in 10 years was outlined last week by Ald. J. Rafferty, chairman of Leeds Transport Committee. The plan will go before the city council. If they......
Compressed-air Mobile Lift
A PNEUMATIC mobile crane, which can be used where a supply of compressed air at suitable pressure is available, has been developed and built by Stanhay (Ashford), Ltd., Elwick......
Marchal Prices Cut
P RICES of driving and other lamps have been reduced by Marchal Distributors, Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Middx. The Rectilux fog lamp now costs £3 6s. 6d. in black finish......
In A Line Or Two
On Monday, United Dominions Trust, Ltd., are opening a branch at 2a Southgate Street, Gloucester. Seven German education experts visited Leyland Motors, Ltd., last week, to......