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O NE of the many paradoxes of life is the truth of the phrase: "To stand still is to go back." The business that is content to...
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y ou can learn quite a lot about a man during threequarters of an hour's desultory chat in his office, still more if you meet...
If It's Speed You're After . . By The Hawk T D V. W. Pilkington. Leyland technical director, my thanks for this lovely...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT IN a surprise move, Mr. John Hare, the Minister of Labour, signed an order on Monday granting...
QHEFFIELD UNITED TOURS, LTD., have won the race to place in service the first public service vehicle taking advantage of the...
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nUBLIN'S force of dockers voted last week in favour of the Labour Court's proposals for ending their ban on container traffic...
who started a service r't between London and Glasgow with a sin g le vehicle 14 months a g o and added another in March of this...
A T a two-hour meetin g with London Transport Executive representatives, leaders of London's busmen last week presented their...
%-/existence. It was announced on Tuesday that Jaguar Cars, Ltd., had purchased Guy Motors, Ltd. A joint statement by the...
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Lieut. Cdr. J. W. Thornycroft and Mr. R. Thornyeroft have been elected honorary members of the British Transport Vehicle...
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T O make his vehicles interchangeable and to cope with seasonal demands for coal, lime and fertilizer, Mr. G. Jones applied for...
I ABOUR is blamed by the Road LA Haulage Association as the chief cause of dock delays. In their memorandum to the Rochdale...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT A CLAIM that the whole system of licensing road transport vehicles was in urgent need of a...
A T the same time as the introduction of their new Walk-Thru 14-, 2and 3-ton models (sec page 348), Commer Cars, Ltd., have...
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A DOUBLE-DRIVE third-axle conver sion was announced last week by the York Trailer Co.. Ltd. This company is an established...
INCLUDED in the Leyland exhibits at I the Scottish Motor Show opening at Kelvin Hall, Glasgow, on November 10 will be one of...
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"A QUART in a pint pot" is always the target of commercial-vehicle operator and designer alike. This has been fully borne in...
Simms in Southampton: Mr. John Ayres, managing director of Simms Motor Units, Ltd., opened the company's new premises at...
MORE FOR SCOTLAND: Scottish Omnibuses, Ltd., have ordered a further 16 A.E.C. Reliance single-decker chassis. BATTERIES FOR...
v NARESBOROUGH, Yorkshire, INmagistrates last week found Siddle C. Cook, Ltd., of Consett, Co. Durham, guilty on four counts of...
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of August 11 that BonaHack and Sons. Ltd., of Basildon, Essex, had developed a light alloy five-ton goods container which, when...
THE Road Vehicles Lighting (Amend". ment) Regulations, 1961, which come into operation on October 19, permit the ambulances and...
L ONG lengths of fabricated steel work La now being carried from the Motherwell area by James McKelvie and Co. (RM. and P.),...
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A N appeal by E. Nelson and Sons, I - 1 haulage contractors, of Arnside, Westmorland, against the refusal of the Northern...
A N appeal by Wilfred Harrison (Transport), Ltd., a Tinsley, Sheffield, haulage contractor, against the Yorkshire Licensing...
THE Transport Tribunal in London last week dismissed a Wolverhampton haulage contractor's appeal against a West Midlands...
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'THROUGH lorry traffic was being diverted from the city centres on the 1 Continent with considerable success, and there was no...
A CONTRACT A licence for two 1 - _ vehicles belonging to Double Ess Transport, Ltd., Pudscy, was revoked as from November 13 by...
A MINISTRY OF TRANSPORT rn. statement says that the Minister, Mr. Ernest Marples, welcomes the recommendations in the final...
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by A Special Correspondent 0 NE would have thought, from some of the newspaper comments and the saloon bar conversations at...
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A L L new models are naturally interesting, but the latest Commer If-ton to 3-ton range is particularly so because of the...
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but Small Appetite by John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. P ARTICULARLY good fuel economy, good driving conditions and a low unladen...
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'EQUIPMENT to reduce the chance of .1-4 thefts of or from vehicles has been introduced by Joseph Lucas, Ltd., Birmingham, 19....
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COMMENTARY by JANUS W ITH perhaps one or two exceptions, the resoluti3ns set down for discussion at next week's conference of...
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'by NormanH. Tilsley 0 PPOSITION to the Arnold Transport (Rochester), Ltd., application was pressed to the very limit by the...
rOLLOWING the Appeal Court's I judgments in the Merchandise and Arnold Transport appeals, the West Midland Licensing Authority,...
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INTENSIVE methods need to be 'employed to keep traffic moving on Scandinavian roads during the winter months, the Municipality...
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"1 BELIEVE we shall do better without subsidies than with them; and I certainly the nation as a whole will benefit," claimed...
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TIPPERS dominate the scene in the I West Midlands this week and, in particular, a spate of new B-licence applications for work...
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Economic Operation and Efficient Maintenance Can Ensure Low Costs Per Mile, but Increased Revenue is Dependent Both on the...