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Dublin Dockers Accept Containers At Last
nUBLIN'S force of dockers voted last week in favour of the Labour Court's proposals for ending their ban on container traffic through the port. If the employers accept the......
Sub-contractor Delays Lost Markets In Glasgow, Says...
who started a service r't between London and Glasgow with a sin g le vehicle 14 months a g o and added another in March of this year, failed to satisfy Mr. C. J. Macdonald, the......
London Bus Pay Claim Presented
A T a two-hour meetin g with London Transport Executive representatives, leaders of London's busmen last week presented their three-point claim for hi g her pay and better......
Jaguar Buy Guy Motors G Uy Vehicles Will Still Continue In
%-/existence. It was announced on Tuesday that Jaguar Cars, Ltd., had purchased Guy Motors, Ltd. A joint statement by the chairman of Jaguar. Sir William Lyons, and the Official......