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0 NE of those problems that it seems will always be a part of haulage is that arising from the constant attempts by many...
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dward Haywood O NE of the more remarkable things about Ted Haywood, the champion lorry driver of 1960, is that he has never...
Retire ? Not Mr. Nelson ! By The Hawk C URRENT rumours of his pending retirement are denied by the Western Licensing...
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MR. ALAN E. HAVARD has assumed the editorship of The Commercial Motor. MR. CHARLES M. HENDY has been appointed assistant...
A QUARRY owner, Mr. C. R. Garlick of the Fairy Cave Quarry Company, Oakhill, Stoke, Somerset, told the Western Licensing...
DECISION on an application which it was said would have a "corrosive effect" on the whole licensing system, if granted, was...
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S o many requests have been made for the holding of a further eliminating round of the "Lorry Driver of the Year" competition...
R EFERR1NG to the Merchandise Transport case at the T.R.T.A. West Midland Division annual general meeting on Monday, Mr. S. C....
A MIDLANDS resolution advocating a "once and for all" certificate for C-licensed vehicles of 25 cwt. unladen weight or less in...
A N order valued at more than £330,000 has been placed with A.E.C., Ltd.. by A.E.C. Vehicles (S.A.), Ltd. One hundred goods and...
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT r E strike threat by 100,000 private c l ompany busmen in the provinces was lifted this...
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MR. R. W. K. BLAGBROUGH has been appointed secretary of the Electric Traction Section of the British Electrical and Allied...
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A N application by Bradford Transport Department to charge top-deck passengers on their city tours 6d. more than on the lower...
of business, Who said he was in dispute with the railways Over the amount charged by them for the delivery in bulk of animal...
T HE Government must bring speed limits for commercial. vehicles more in line with the capacity of modern units, and take...
nVER 20 prospective passengers wish ing to go to Clacton for their holidays supported joint applications by Yelloway Motor...
great was the difficulty in obtaining hotel accommodation in Chester. Glasgow and Edinburgh that the Windsorian Touring Co„...
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CABLE CHIEFTAINS: British Insulated Callenders Cables, Ltd., have ordered another three Albion Chieftain-Scurnmeli tractive...
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A PROBE into traffic , troubles in the East Midlands urban areas is being made by East Midlands Division of the Traders' Road...
A N articulated I,000-cu.-ft. refrigerated van, based on a 25-ft.-long Scammell straight-framed 12-ton semi-trailer with...
A 12-ton-capacity, single-axle semi I -1 trailer for use with tractive units having fifth-wheel couplings has been introduced...
A ' agreement has been signed between Leyland Motors, Ltd., and Industrija Motora Rakovica of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, for the...
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A T the annual dinner of the Northern Section of the Institute of Transport. at Newcastle upon Tyne, the Institute president,...
G. Morris Haulage (Chingford). Ltd. Cap. £100. Subs,: D. M. Gracme and P. G. Graemc, 61 Fairview Avenue, Gillingham, Kent....
L ONDON TRANSPORT'S bus and coach overhaul works at Chiswick have been completely redesigned and reorganized internally on...
A s a preliminary to the Duke of Edinburgh's Commonwealth Technical Training Week, starting on May 29, Telehoist, Ltd., are...
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One of the reasons for the application being made was that when the caravans were brought to the site it was necessary for the...
A RETRIAL was ordered at West morland Quarter Sessions at Kendal last week after the jury failed to agree in a case which...
THE " scant consideration given to transport operators by contractors at Llanwern steelworks was remarked on by the Western...
A BRITISH HoIset-Schwitzer turbocharger, produced by the 1 "l-HoIset Engineering Co., Ltd., Huddersfield, Yorks, has been...
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A GREENOCK. company, Thomas Boag and Co. (Haulage), Ltd., were unsuccessful in an application to the Scottish Licensing...
A YEAR of expansion during which several • take-overs were successfully negotiated, is reported by Mr. Philip S. Henman,...
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Britain is Lagging Behind, says Leading Consultant " F HE compliance of British road transport equipment with certain...
TN conjunction with the G.M. I Power Plant Co., Ltd., Ipswich, Blox Services, Ltd., Morden, are exhibiting at the International...
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First-class Access, Driver Considerations and Finish Are Features of Mercedes-Benz L319 D Van Now Introduced in Britain by A....
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Overall Winner at Blackpool National Coach Rally A NOTHER rally success came the way of Sheffield United Tours, Ltd., at...
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D OUBTLESS the article describing the Austin gas -"turbine appearing in your March 24 issue will be read withconsiderable...
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T HE latest addition to the range of .adjustable and self-propelled staging from Anderson Clyde (Midlands), Ltd., Irk Vale...
Called the Mini-Lift, it has a lifting .:apacity of 5 cwt. and the complete unit [minding pumps and hose weighs only i$ cwt....
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W ERE the Transport Tribunal making the right decision when they granted a stay of the Northern Licensing Authority's decision...
QOME hauliers do not seem to be very clear regarding their obliga, tions when operating vehicles under contract A licence, but...
and contract A licence switches to public A licence are likely to be delayed by the Licensing Authorities concerned, either as...
to blame when contract vehicles prove uneconomic and recourse is made to applying for a public A or B licence, is well known. A...
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National Committee Seeks Suggestions to Attract More Candidates for R.S.A. Examinations HE National Committee on Road 1...
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Fleet Versatility and Carrying Capacity of Bradford Haulier Has Been Improved By Addition of Third-axle to Standard Vehicles by...
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L ONG before this the Chancellor of the Exchequer has made up his mind exactly what proposals he will put in his Budget and...
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A SECURITY system developed by Patfield Electrical 'Services, 63a Lyndhurst Way, Peckham, London, S.E.15, is said to be the...
A PROUD claim for Ribble Motor fl Services, Ltd., is that, on completion in May of an order for 20 new coaches, every holiday...
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Though Elimination of Unnecessary Incidental Expenses is a Continuing Necessity, Provision for Retention and Expansion of...
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P ATENT No. 860,546 refers to fourwheel-drive vehicles having a differential between each wheel and one between the two...