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Driving Contest Round At Croydon
S o many requests have been made for the holding of a further eliminating round of the "Lorry Driver of the Year" competition in the London area that Mr. Donald Waite, of the......
T.r.t.a. Appeal For "merchandise Moderation " From C...
R EFERR1NG to the Merchandise Transport case at the T.R.T.A. West Midland Division annual general meeting on Monday, Mr. S. C. Bond. president of the Association, said that the......
Meat Traders Call For Simplified Small Van Records
A MIDLANDS resolution advocating a "once and for all" certificate for C-licensed vehicles of 25 cwt. unladen weight or less in lieu of the present vehicle log book was passed at......
Big South African Order For A.e.c.
A N order valued at more than £330,000 has been placed with A.E.C., Ltd.. by A.E.C. Vehicles (S.A.), Ltd. One hundred goods and passenger chassis of various designs are called......
Bus Pay Strike Threat Called Off
FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT r E strike threat by 100,000 private c l ompany busmen in the provinces was lifted this week. Leaders of the six unions involved decided......