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A sound, reliable and friendly financial service is a primary requirement for traders in cars and commercial vehicles. And...
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FROM OUR POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT T HE principle of making goods vehicles pay for time spent on public roads waiting their turn...
Generators for U.K. B RITOVER (CONTINENTAL) LTD., 13 Belsize Lane, London, N.W.3, has become the sole concessionnaire for...
THE RANK ORGANIZATION is to I be associated with the national organizing committee of the Lorry Driver of the Year competition...
QUGGESTIONS varying from the virtual abolition of a discretionary licensing system (the Bow Group) to the direction of traffic...
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the fee per entry, payable to the national committee, comes down from 6s. 6d. to 55. Also, more dates were announced for...
enforced charges which the users thought unreasonable were speedily abandoned under pressure of competition ", it says. The...
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'['HE Road Haulage Association is idismayed by the decision of the Government on a Channel link. The R.H.A. says it seems to...
business in the area, an Ipswich depot is being opened by the Pointer Group. It is hoped that temporary premises will be opened...
R EPRESENTATIONS to the Ministry of Transport over principles involved in traffic schemes at Weymouth and Lancaster are being...
E NGINE exhaust gases are used to power a side-tipper described in the January issue of the Russian journal Automobile...
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From our Political Correspondent T HE Government is seeking powers to control the country's transport and other essential...
A SKED by Lord Stonhain to ensure that rail-replacement bus services had enough luggage space, Earl Ferrers, for the...
O UR society has become geared to trucks and other commercial vehicles. said Mr. Marples when he opened this week's Commons...
NfiR. MARPLES is keeping in mind the al possibility of imposing conditions on the use of the fast lane on motorways by slow...
From Our Political Correspondent 1-1 . A FAST, direct transport link between Britain and the continent of Europe by the early...
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FROM OUR INDUSTRIAL CORRESPONDENT AORE than 70,000 municipal busmen n'l are to have an unexpectedly large increase in pay as a...
A LTHOUGH London Transport Board r3. is awaiting the final report of the 'Committee of Inquiry into pay and conditions before...
t— Sapphire Coaches—has taken delivery of seven Plaxton-bodied coaches ranging from 20to 52-seaters, all equipped with...
in Rural Transport Front Our Parliamentary Correspondent M ANY M.P.s hoping for news of Government plans for improving...
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IN a written judgment issued on I Wednesday, the Transport Tribunal has stated its decision that an agent who is not also a...
THE Transport Tribunal, sitting in London on Tuesday, reiterated its judgment on the Jeory appeal, that established hauliers...
( - I F three applications by Inter-City Transport and Trading Co. Ltd. heard during a two-day sitting at Edinburgh this week,...
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T HE Transport Tribunal, sitting in -London last Friday, dismissed an appeal by Tower Transport (Southendon-Sea) Ltd. against a...
THE Minister of Transport has allowed an appeal by Premier Coaches (Watford) Ltd. against the decision of the Metropolitan...
A COMPROMISE was reached by appellants and cross-appellants 'before the Transport Tribunal in London last week, which resulted...
A N application by H. Evers Ltd., of Manchester, for 34 vehicles on A licence to carry road construction plant and materials,...
deputy Licensing Authority, Mr. J. H. F. Randolph, at Leeds last week granted two applications by J. H. Tomlinson Transport...
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C ONTINUING low , standards of vehicle maintenance, aggravated in most areas by an inadequacy of examiners and enforcement...
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manager of Commer Cars Ltd. and Karrier Motors Ltd.. Mr. T. W. Hodgkins has been appointed general service and parts manager of...
Club were elected recently (The Commercial Motor, January 31). Other elections have now taken place and the officers are:...
WE regret to record the deaths of Mr. H. C. Green and Mr. M. T. Massey. Mr. Green, who until his retirement in the autumn of...
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A FORECAST of the way in which sections of the commercial-vehicle industry may develop, and production figures for goods...
Thames Trader Tandem 6 x 4 chassis built by All Wheel Drive Ltd., and marketed by the Ford Motor Co. Ltd., includes the fitting...
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Repairing a Worn-out Casing ALTHOUGH THE OPERATOR of a fairly standard fleet is well served for spares these days, and can...
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and traders were last week invited by British Railways to comment on the de - sign and loadability of prototype road/rail...
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By John F. Moon, A.M.I.R.T.E. A LTHOUGH there are only about eight completely new commercial vehicles at the 1964 IR Al....
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What Future for Turbines? WHEN I ended last week, I was discussing the delicate profitabilAy balance for V , air cargo...
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oody in the Forefront By P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I. MECH. E. I DEALLY, the design of a tipping veh!cle should be based on...
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T HE name tipper gives the implication to most people of a vehicle which will spend a large part of its working life off the...
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in two areas—and finds a surprising contrast IN THE EAST MIDLANDS: , Tipper men are being held to ransom by their customers R...
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PURSUING the question of rates further, I visited the South 1 Eastern area. In one particular sector—in and around Portsmouth—I...
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action they ought to take' W HILE pleading for a more precise indication of the Labour Party's plans for road transport,...
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T HE survey of tipper chassis which follows makes brief reference to all the models produced by British manufacturers and...
THE A.E.C. tipper-chassis production programme includes normaland forwardcontrol rigids and tractive units, all of which are...
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WHAT I believe to be the first allBritish rotary snowplough is now in. use by at least 20 authorities. This is the Croker...
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By The Hawk A Welcome Gift Travelling conditions in the Sahara must sometimes be extremely arduous. But, no doubt, a recent...
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S IMPLE ideas often prove the most lucrative and lasting. Surely, in this category, must come the application of tipping gear...
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Higher Payment by Lancashire United P WILIEN the board of LANCASHIRE UNITED W TRANSPORT meets on March 20 will it increase the...
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Handbrake—a third alternative I FULLY agree with Mr. Walkden's letter regarding the need for power assistance on vehicles of 20...