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E ANNOUNCEMENT this week that Seddon Atkinson is to lay off 810 of its Irkforce should be seen for what it really is. his is...
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THE FINANCIAL CRISIS facing haulage contractors will be made worse by "ill considered" increases in taxation in the March 10...
PRESSURE is still on the Go ernment to force the Cornmot to re-debate the Armitage R port. Last week Leader of the Opp sition,...
EUROPEAN MPs, reflecting political opinion in the ten El countries, have come out in support of a 40-tonne maximum weic on five...
THE WAGE round has moved a little closer to a conclusion with three more areas reporting deals in line with the national norm....
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Crawley, West Sussex, erator, F. Snelling Ltd has - nplained to local MP Tim Renton that the charges demanded of lorry drivers...
HEATONS TRANSPORT of St Helens, Merseyside, wants to share its depot and facilities which are now surplus to its present and...
SEDDON ATKINSON is the latest victim of the recession. It has made nearly 45 per cent of its workforce redundant, and is...
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SCOTTISH soft drinks manufacturers will learn their driver/salesmen need to use tachographs. next week whether Dunfermline...
THE LOWEST number of commercial vehicle sales for January since the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders started keeping...
FOR FAILING to have a properl calibrated tachograph on vehicle Perry Barr haulier Mat rice O'Connor, trading as Ernt aid...
A BATTLE has broken out in Brussels between the Netherlands a Britain over the top job in the EEC Commission's Transport Din...
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AN EAST ANGLIAN operator has lost his appeal against the revocation of his standard national Operator's licence, despite claims...
OPERATORS could benefit fro additional Government help f small firms in rural areas. Local Government and Em ronmental...
A MANCHESTER international haulier has opened a 150-vehio overnight lorry park at Trafford Park, with a £2 charge per vehicle....
CARRYFAST International has started a new twice-weekly guaranteed departure service to and from Madrid, based on major...
Mid-Glamorgan County Council wanted to introduce an 8am to 6pm loading on one side of the main street, Dunraven Street, in...
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LORRY DRIVER who was sacked lonymous phone call to say their mie, has had its application for dustrial tribunal in Edinburgh....
1 IN-DEPTH multi-client study the future distribution needs the self-assembly furniture instry is to be undertaken this ring by...
TOLL FEES on the Erskine Bridge over the Clyde may increase by up to 100 per cent for some vehicles. Under new proposals,...
IRELAND could lose its state-owned road haulage fleet, if a major report on the future of Coras lompair Eireann (see p22) is...
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THE heavy haulage sector of the industry is suffering from unprecedented rate slashing, according to several operators...
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IOAD Haulage Association's considered reaction to the ArmiReport (CM,February 7) is a further symptom of a change of de which...
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'OLKSWAGEN'S diesel Transporter (CM, January 24) looks set to trve a sizeable chunk of the light van market for itself,...
MAN-VW is offering its LT31 with a longer wheelbase — increased from 2.5m (8.2ft) to 2.95m (9.6ft) — to give a longer load...
KLEBER has increased its range with a new design of radial van tyre. At first, the V12C tyres will be available in the popular...
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AUSTIN MORRIS are contacting the owners of 129,000 Marina car and van models and 70,000 Sherpa vans in the UK to arrange for...
MARCUS SMITH, formerly London Transport's bus engineering director, has been made general manager (buses), taking over day to...
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S SERVICES came to a halt in Bristol on Sunday when 1,300 smen working on Bristol City services refused to implement an ht per...
THE EXPECTED three-way split of Coras lompair Eireann, Ireland's semi-state transport company, came a step closer last week...
URES published by the iety of Motor Manufacturers Traders (SMMT) show that r psv registrations are still Bring from the...
TYNE and Wear County Council may have to consider street running Metro cars after the Government's refusal to sanction future...
"SELF HELP" for coach operators in the Coach and bidependant Bus Section of the Confederation of British Road Passenger...
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ARGUMENTS that fares conditions ought to be retained on licences held by Strathclyde PTE because it is without competition...
LONDON TRANSPORT has r confirmed that it has deci against developing its o prototype bus — codenar XRM. Instead, LT is to coni...
HARLEM-Wilcomatic's HH 4000Series brake-testing machine has been given the go-ahead by the Department of Transport provided it...
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,RCH 28 is D-day for Ford. Or De more precise, that's when company will start replacing 0-Series with a new range of 'ides...
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YOUR REPORT (CM, January 17, p3) of an £83 basic, plus £4 supplement and a 55-hour {£133.68) guaranteed week for drivers...
I MUST TAKE the Hawk to task (CM, January 24) with regard to the Herts/Essex LDoY. It was the Cambridge Centre of the National...
IT WOL.1 1 .0 appear the Government is ,ilanning to scrap the Road Tr insport Industry Training Bt ard and if a ballot was...
from D. G. Bonner (CM, November 29) and the experiences of H. W. Wilson and T. Lyles (CM, January 3) concerning front-end...
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NINETEEN OUT of every 100 goods vehicles over 3.5 tonnes gross were laid up during the weeks in 1979 when the Department of ....
A COLUMNIST in The Financial Times complains that idiomatic English has failed to develop. Instead of "it never rains but it...
I WAS intrigued by an Eastern Region internal memo which said: "With the introduction of HSTs to the Up and Down Hull Executive...
DRIVERS who harrass pedestrians on pelican crossings by revving their engines have caused some people to lose confidence in...
ANTHONY LAU, a repair mechanic with ability clearly beyond his present occupation, has been awarded about £9,500 by Volvo in...
IS plastics watercress to added to rubber lettuce in r way snacks? Why else shoul plastics unit manufacturer for the costly...
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Facing what he describes as the most uncomfortable week of his life, Bob Johnson, Seddon Atkinson's Texan md, tells lain...
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Seddon Atkinson has taken to heart just about every criticism of the 400-Series and with its successor has come up with...
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Why did Alliance Smurfit plump for SA's 300-Series down rated 32-ton ner rather than the more usual scaled-up 16-tonner?...
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You can't afford to make mistakes when designing refuse vehicles, so Seddon Atkinson called in the experts, as Brian...
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by Douglas Ainley THE TWO Social Security Acts of 1980 illustrate the harder approach taken by this Conservative Government to...
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Literally, for the Oldham company's inspectors assess finished vehicles on a "points" basis. All part of its quality assurance...
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ALMOST every week reports appear in CM of proposed bans on lorries using certain roads. But what exactly are the local...
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With International Harvester's Stateside expertise and financial backing to draw on, the Oldham company's in a really strong...
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YOU'RE thinking about spendig a substantial amount of toney in buying a used lorry ten, quite obviously, it must be irefully...