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3ristol Fares Battle
S SERVICES came to a halt in Bristol on Sunday when 1,300 smen working on Bristol City services refused to implement an ht per cent fare increase. The increase, which is the......
Cie Nears End Of Road
THE EXPECTED three-way split of Coras lompair Eireann, Ireland's semi-state transport company, came a step closer last week when the McKinsey Report was published (CM February......
Sales Still Down
URES published by the iety of Motor Manufacturers Traders (SMMT) show that r psv registrations are still Bring from the recession. nly 394 new psv were regisd in January 1981,......
Back To The Tram?
TYNE and Wear County Council may have to consider street running Metro cars after the Government's refusal to sanction future extensions to the £280m Tyneside Metro. Environment......
Cibs To The Rescue
"SELF HELP" for coach operators in the Coach and bidependant Bus Section of the Confederation of British Road Passenger Transport (CIBS) has been produced in the form of a......