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campaign are still causing controversy in some parts ol the country. For example, at the annual conference of the Union of...
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What Happens to I T is often a puzzle to know Old Commercial what happens to old commer Vehicles cial vehicles or to what uses...
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That the nickel people might adopt the American term "Gimme a nickel" as a catch phrase. That die-hards who persist in the...
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THE first meeting of one of the 12 1 regional committees, set up with a view to road-rail co-ordination, was held last week in...
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JJ I.? D IC IAL opinion . was favourable - to rail interests, recently, on the occasion of two appeals before the Appeal...
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"G IVE operators all the facts " sums up the policy which the employers' panel of the Yorkshire Area Board has adopted, with...
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East Ham Corporation is to obtain quotations foi the supply of a fire-tender. Formby Urban Distriet Council is to obtain...
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"Motor Dealer" Gives His Views on What Hire Purchase Involves. A Reply to S. T. R.'s Recent Article on that Subject IVIANY...
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:ONTROL THE RATES Brick Hauliers Of ten ar e Compelled to Operate at Little or No Profit in Order to Support Brick Makers who...
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A CONSIDERABLE volume of literature is. now available on the problems relating to the supercharging of commercial vehicles and...
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Some recent papers on Supercharging. " The General Question of Supercharging," by 0. Thornycroft, I.A.E. journal, December,...
L OW weight is an outstanding feature of the big articulated van illustrated on this page. The outfit comprises an A.E.C....
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connected with the use of commercial motors. Letters should be written an only one side of the paper. The right of abbreviation...
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T HE Paris Fire Brigade (Regiment de Sapeurs Pompiers de Paris) recently adopted the Merryweather steel turntable ladder for...
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DEFENCE PLANS AND SHORTAGE OF H.G.V. MEN. Fears of a shortage of holders of heavy goods-vehicle licences, as the result of the...
T HE vital necessity, to the Cornish haulage industry, of maintaining the existing Tidal Ports Agreement, which affects St....
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Unloading Facilities for Brewers' Vehicles Deserve Careful Study, as the Freight is Heavy and Unwieldy, and Our Bodybuilding...
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A NEW design of double-deck bus, which is intended to set a standard for the next few years, was put on the road yesterday by...
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MEMBERS' RESTRAINED ATTITUDE. I N his first presentation of the Estimates of the Ministry of Transport, Captain Wallace made a...
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A Resume of Recently Published Patent Specifications Obtainable from the Patent Office, Price Is. each. P ATENT No. 506,400...