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Factors Whic.h May Influence the Feelings and Productive Capacity of Factory Workers D URING many years of our work which is...
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Chemicals Used to Harden Earth and A LITTLE while ago a reporter of a Sunday paper discovered that roads to suit heavy traffic...
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Of Taxi in Dock "as the heading of a paragraph in a daily paper. That the vehicle was not in a court, but actually fell into a...
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A DECLINE in bus traffic. forecast in The Commercial Motor" on May 12, is beginning to become apparent in some quarters....
A N allegation that there had been a ramp in the road haulage industry. which had sought and found in the increased fuel tax an...
if k PROPOSAL by the .South Shields Transport Committee to increase bus fares to 2d. to cover higher costs because of the...
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S rEPS are to be taken by the Minister of Transport to exempt certain utility vehicles from the 30 speed limit. For this...
A LARGE number of tipping-vehicle chassis and bodies is required by the Natal provincial road engineer's department. British...
p ROJECTS for a national training establishment for the motor industry and the exchange of apprentices and students With the...
Q OM E 50 per cent, of the services of 0–. ) Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., are unremunerative, said Mr. R. P...
D ELIVERIES of Leyland vehicles in the first six Months of this year were 11 per cent. above the corresponding figure for 1949....
WITH the manufacture of is,765 cars, VY commercial vehicles and tractors during the past month, the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., has...
T HE fitting of stop lights and traffic indicators to motor vehicles is intended by the Minister of Transport eventually to...
T HE Chaseside 3-cubic-yd. dumper is now offered with the Perkins P.6 oil engine as an alternative to the Ford V8 petrol unit....
T HE Budget increase in petrol tax is likely to' damage Britain's export trade. It will "automatically force" home users to...
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Jack Olding and Co., Ltd., is to open a depot at Cardiff. The new Standard oil engine has a bore of 3 1 2 6 ins, and a stroke...
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C ONSULTATIONS between the ‘....Road Haulage Executive and the north-western and north-eastern areas of the National Employers'...
T HE Road Haulage Executive denies the truth of statements recently made by Mr. T. Lett and Mr. H. Green, of the Transport and...
first six months of 1950 were 140 per cent, above the total sent overseas in the corresponding period of last year. Altogether,...
T HE occasion of Weymann's recent silver jubilee was marked by the completion of the 1,000th R.T.3 body for London Transport at...
IF voluntary methods fail, the Post.' master-General may make the fitting of suppressors to all motor vehicles compulsory, to...
T "E prototype of a Land-Rover fireengine aroused great interest among members of the fire services at a recent demonstration....
WHY did Sheffield Corporation's W tramways incur a loss of £97,014 during the past financial year, whereas the motorbus...
A FINAL draft of an agreement 1 - t between the Road Haulage Executive and the Transport and General Workers' Union, covering...
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p LANS for one of the biggest conversion operations ever undertaken by a transport organization, the replacement by buses of...
A REBATE of 3d. per gallon on the r - k cost of petrol for commercial users has been instituted by. the. LieutenantGovernor of...
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WHILE opening his correspondence YV about two months ago, the super Mtendertt of the Willenhall Depot of the Birmingham parcels...
A NEW type of coal-retailing vehicle is being used experimentally in this country by Lowell Baldwin, Ltd., Bristol. The machine...
COURTEEN Warrington hauliers have embarked upon collective advertising in local newspapers. Their copy reads: "Two out of every...
T HE following rates, agreed by representatives of the Road 14.tulage Association and the Federation of Master Cotton Spinners...
IN the House of Lords, last week, Lord I Pakenharn, Minister of Civil Aviation, promised that, the Government would cqnsider...
" THE passenger road transport I industry is now probably the most heavily taxed basic industry in the country. The total...
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By JAN US M ALTHUS was a clergyman and an economist whose name may once have been used by mothers to frighten their children....
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D ETA1LS were given in last week's issue of "The Commercial Motor" of an order for 620 buses for Cuba, in which Leyland Motors,...
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By L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. W EIGHING a few pounds over. 4 tons, when equipped with a drop-side body, spare wheel and five...
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A LINOTYPE machine, a Bush lateews printing machine and a darkroom are features of a mobile printing and radio office built for...
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and Livestock W HAT with the atom bomb, the dollar gap and other things, life certainly is not all beer and skittles for most...
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Thirty Escalators in Fourstorey Terminal Building Now Nearing Completion in New York. Loading Bays for 84 Local Buses and 40...
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250 electric and spring-wound clocks and watches, barometers and thermometers produced by S. Smith and Sons (England); Ltd....
'THE Gardner 5.6-litre oil engine / which powers the new Walker 6-ton crane, drives a 32-kW generator to provide electrical...
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with Less E ort „Jr . secure consistent high-efficiency braking with comparatively little manual effort on maximum-load...
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M ANY hauliers are satisfied with contracting at a flat rate. Probably the suggestion to do so came in the first place from a...
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A NEW type of fire-engine now being delivered by Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Greenwich High Road, London, S.E.I0, represents a...
LIGURES for new registrations for April, as compared with those for the previous month, showed a rise from 16,481 to 17,789....