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No Speed Limit For Utilities ?
S rEPS are to be taken by the Minister of Transport to exempt certain utility vehicles from the 30 speed limit. For this purpose, the Motor Vehicles (Variation of Speed Limit)......
Dominion Opportunity
A LARGE number of tipping-vehicle chassis and bodies is required by the Natal provincial road engineer's department. British makers are asked to tender to the Chairman, Tender......
National School Wanted
p ROJECTS for a national training establishment for the motor industry and the exchange of apprentices and students With the motor industries of other countries required closer......
One In Two Routes Run At A Loss
Q OM E 50 per cent, of the services of 0–. ) Maidstone and District Motor Services, Ltd., are unremunerative, said Mr. R. P Beddow, M.Inst.T., chairman, at the company's annual......
Leyland Deliveries Up
D ELIVERIES of Leyland vehicles in the first six Months of this year were 11 per cent. above the corresponding figure for 1949. In the first half of 1950, 300 more vehicles were......
Ford Expands: New Record
WITH the manufacture of is,765 cars, VY commercial vehicles and tractors during the past month, the Ford Motor Co., Ltd., has established a new production record. This brings......
Stop Lights Compulsory?
T HE fitting of stop lights and traffic indicators to motor vehicles is intended by the Minister of Transport eventually to become general. He gave this information this week in......
Chaseside Oiler
T HE Chaseside 3-cubic-yd. dumper is now offered with the Perkins P.6 oil engine as an alternative to the Ford V8 petrol unit. For quarry work, or similar heavy-duty operation,......
Petrol Tax Hits Export Trade
T HE Budget increase in petrol tax is likely to' damage Britain's export trade. It will "automatically force" home users to employ oil engines and there will be little demand......