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S ECURE in their fact-filled future, historians may well be able to point to 1961 and say: "It was the year that marked the end...
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Zandall Penrose T HE lot of the English visitor to Ireland if he has business in mind is a hard one indeed. There is (or used...
T HE Preston haulier who recently paid a record £20,750 for fishing rights in Westmorland has just paid £10,000 for a Preston...
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P RODUCTION is to commence shortly of Perkins Six 354 conversion units for installation in Bedford TK chassis. The Perkins kits...
"Within Month or So" IT is highly likely that there will be some sort of announcement, within a month or so, about current...
I F haulage wages go up, so will rates. Both the Road Haulage Association and British Road Services stated so this week. Last...
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T HE Merchandise case, in which the British Transport Commission and 60 road hauliers are appealing against a decision of the...
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Mr. P. Y. Moyse, formerly sales manager, has been appointed general manager of Pinchin 'Anson and Co. Mr. John E. Poulson,...
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n ENT'S TRANSPORT (SPENN Y MOOR), LTD., of Tudhoe Colliery, Co. Durham, were last week fined £20 at Spennymaor Magistrates...
A NEW transport container service will come into operation between Londonderry and Preston before the end of 1961. It will be...
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Requirements " T HE whole history of this operation has shown a disregard for normal user requirements," said Mr. W. F. Quin,...
ABOUR M.P.s last week laid the blame for the decline in rural bus services on Government policies over the past ten years. Led...
THE Minister of Transport intends to I invite applications this summer for the rights to provide petrol filling stations and...
vehicles, due to be heard by Mr. W. F. Quin, the Scottish Licensing Authority, at Glasgow last week, was refused because of the...
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THE large increase in contract A and C hiring allowances is causing concern to the Licensing Authorities. This was made clear...
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O FFICERS of the Conservative M.P.s' Transport Committee are to ask the Minister of Transport to clear away the uncertainties...
T HE number of vehicles owned by independent road hauliers in Scotland went up by 2,525 last year, to • 100,637, but those run...
rl A N approach to the Minister of Trans port for information on a new set-up in the Scottish passenger road transport...
QCOTTISH Rural Gas, Ltd„ whose ■ --) headquarters are in Perth, have begun a fleet replacement scheme, spread over the next 12...
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Kindergarten Administration, Says Judge THE Court of Appeal on Monday began the hearing of an appeal by the British Transport...
South of Border Operation Restricted A NEW commodity made from residue at distilleries in the North of Scotland, and used in...
rinE Transport Tribunal at Edinburgh n Tuesday upheld an appeal by D. McKinnon (Transport), Ltd., Kilmarnodc, against a...
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nPERATIONAL figures which support hauliers' applications but which are not certified by a chartered accountant, were strongly...
A LL B.M.C. 5-ton normal and forward control trucks and tractive units for a 12-15-ton gross train weight are now available...
I ORD FRASER OF LONSDALE last I–d week asked the Government to point out to the British Transport Commission that the fare by...
T HE 28-vehicle A-licence appiication by Two Counties Transport, Ltd.. of Grimsby—a subsidiary of the Ross Group--due to be...
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applied to the Transport Tribunal in Edinburgh on Tuesday for the restoration of two licences was told he was "blowing hot and...
. Workers' Union may press for a national inquiry into the bus industry was given at the Union's conference at Brighton this...
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New Vehicle Lifts A N agreement has been reached between Mann Egerton and Co., Ltd., and Skyhi, Ltd., manufacturers of vehicle...
ing now being produced by Middlesex Prefabricated Buildings, Ltd., of Hounslow, Middlesex, has an outer covering of fin....
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by John F. Moon, A.M.1.R.T.E. L AST Friday the Soviet Exhibition (a reciprocal affait to the Moscow Trade Fair in May) opened...
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THE Royal Marine Barracks at Eastney I —centre of this year's Portsmouth Lorry Driver of the Year competition— lived up to its...
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Middleweight Tops the Bill at York by Ashley Taylor V•ORK continued to consolidate its 1 position in the matter of the Lorry...
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O NCE again, a tanker driver was declared outright winner of the Oxford round of the Lorry Driver of the Year Competition held...
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"Beware of Newcomers" A PPLICATIONS to enter the industry by newcomers," as they are known in the licensing courts, are on the...
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by P. A. C. Brockington A.M.I. Mech. E. W HEN an investigation was made early in 1958 by the Baggeridge Brick Co., Ltd.,...
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cEVERAL new vehicle security devices were shown at a demonstration in Dudley, organized by the Road Haulage Association, West...
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British designed, French built Perkins Diesel Engines are Becoming Popular with French Operators of Lightand Mediumduty...
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F IRST demonstrated at the Earls Court Commercial Motor Show on the York stand last year, the Joloda pallet-loading system has...
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O NE may well suppose that British Road Services have dissociated themselves from the annual diatribe of the British Transport...
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Recording Tyre Costs Expenditure on Tyres Can be Appreciably Reduced by Systematic Maintenance and Documentation I N the new...
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for severely handicapped children, a special ambulance was officially handed over to Coventry Education Committee last week by...
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H YDRAULIC braking for trailers in which a single master cylinder can be operated either by overrun forces or manually for...