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"operational Figures Must Be Certified"
nPERATIONAL figures which support hauliers' applications but which are not certified by a chartered accountant, were strongly criticized by Mr. B. Webb, at Sheffield, last......
New Two-speed Axles For B.m.c. Trucks
A LL B.M.C. 5-ton normal and forward control trucks and tractive units for a 12-15-ton gross train weight are now available with a new heavy-duty Eaton 2-speed axle, type 13802,......
Does B.t.c. Realize It's Cheaper By Coach ?
I ORD FRASER OF LONSDALE last I–d week asked the Government to point out to the British Transport Commission that the fare by coach from London to Bath was 28s. 3d. return, with......
Two Counties Case Adjourned
T HE 28-vehicle A-licence appiication by Two Counties Transport, Ltd.. of Grimsby—a subsidiary of the Ross Group--due to be heard on Tuesday by the East Midlands Licensing......