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What Causes the Milk A SUGGESTION by a corn to Warm while In mittee of the National Transit ? Farmers' Union that the design...
A T a time like this we must do everything to enlarge our sales of commercial vehicles abroad, and the British-built bus is one...
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Hears-- Of slatted-seat conversions in five hours. That magnesium panels lighten some new American bodies. Denials that the...
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McNAMARA CAN SELL TO B.T.C. THE directors of McNamara and Co., Ltd., Royal Mail -and road transport contractor, are now...
CCORDING to the "Transport PA and General Workers' Record," substantial increases in the wages of haulage workers have been...
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R ULES for the conduct of the affairs IX of the Transport Arbitration Tribunal under the. Transport Act, 1947, have now been...
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• MR, R. E. G. BROWN, A.C.I.S., A.M.Inst.T., has been appointed secretary of the London and Home Counties Area of the Traders'...
of cleansing service was stressed by Mr. C. V. Roberts, cleansing superintendent of Stockport, at the Institute of Public...
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T HE annual luncheon of the National Conference of Road Transport Clearing Houses, held on November 6, was somewhat marred by...
pre" vent serious dislocation to road traffic as a result of snow and ice, were described in the House of Commons, last week,...
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BID TO MOVE BOURNEMOUTH COACH PARK RESISTED IT is understood that negotiations are proceeding between interested operators and...
WHAT is believed to be Britain's first vV oil-engined bus to be equipped with fluorescent lighting has been put into service by...
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W HENEVER visiting a workshop for the first time, I always make a mental note of the condition of the floors and gangways....
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and sizes of these tanks in use, but basically they are similar. Usually they comprise a tank which houses the part to be...
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PA, A HIGH standard of design and con structian is evident in the latest metal framed, full height, 56seater bodies which are...
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S INCE we dealt with the Daintier 8.6-litre oil engine in our issue dated August 1, a number of important modifications and...
PiURING the past few years 1.-/ important plans have been laid in Spain to prpmote the self-sufficiency of the country. One of...
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djwork T HE technique of light-alloy . bodybuilding for commercial vehicles as well as for private cars had become well...
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TYRE Co. Ltd.. Stoke -onsTrent or open lorries. Standardized roof luggage grids for coaches are supplied when ordered. One of...
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TO further the interests of British manufacturers of commercial vehicles and equipment in overseas markets, "The Commercial...
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The Haulier—and Especially the Owner-driver—is Courting Disaster by Under-estimating Costs and Charging Rates that Cannot be...
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L AST Friday a demonstration of retail La meat-delivery vehicles was held at the Coventry Corporation Abattoir. It was attended...