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F ACED with the possi,bility of having to find an extra £10m. a year on account of wages, makers and operators of commercial...
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T RADES unionists, meeting at Blackpool last week, took upon themselves the right to tell trade and industry how their goods...
Eyes that Never Close 1-17,10 members of the staff — and Mouths that of "The Commercial Should Motor" recently travelled...
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General Council Supports Resolution to. Bolster Up State Transport A RESOLUTION from the Transport Salaried Staffs'...
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O N 23, fares charged by .Hull Corporation and East Yorkshire Motor Services, Ltd., on all through journeys will be increased...
A NATIONAL committee of exhauliers who wish to return to the road haulage industry, should it be denationalized, is likely to...
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T O avoid further " misconceptions " of the same kind by the West Midland Deputy Licensin g Authority, the Appeal Tribunal, on...
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the quarter ended September 30, 1950, licences were current for 4,413,833 motor vehicles, compared with 4,112,903 a year...
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Road Hauliers (East Midlands), Ltd., with Six Local Organizations, Shows that Interworking Pays its 289 Shareholding Members By...
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A GENERAL impression gained after touring depots of British Road Services in Lincolnshire is that the Road Haulage Executive is...
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By L. J. Cotton, M.I.R.T.E. and P. A. C. Brockington, A.M.I.Mech.E. 0 UR test of the Daimler Freeline bus chassis was...
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were submitted to .Auckland Transport Board for the supply of SO buses. Leyland Motors, Ltd., was successful. The highest...
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The weight of the body with all accessories, but without the bottom floor, is 24 cwt. It is estimated that had timber been...
TSED as a control unit when dealing %—dwith large outbreaks, a mobile station based on an old Leyland petrolengined...
D EN YIN G charges that the nationalized bus services in the city of Madras were unsatisfactory, Mr. B. Gopala Reddi, Minister...
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— in Three Continents By ASHLEY TAYLOR, A.M.I.R.T.E. I F you were to buy Americanmade equipment, you would no doubt be more...
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I NOTICE that Mr. E. J Cooke, whose letter appears A in your issue dated August 24, wants to know how the modern bus justifies...
T HE transport side of the coal industry has not been neglected in the drive for greater efficiency in production. During 1947,...
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K IND words the haulier seldom expects to hear from the Socialists. His notorious opposition to the Transport Act has given him...
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I Nmy previous article I discussed some of the legal differences between the use of a vehicle on a contract-A licence and on a...
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PRANSIVIISSION systems for four wheel-drive vehicles of the "jeep" type are disclosed in patent No. 656,242, by Motor Car...